Allinol dangerous?/I'm not gonna make the same mistake twice!

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Near the finish line, both Lightning and Francesco were close to winning the race, he was determined to not let Mater's friendship and courage go to waste!

"Bumper to bumper as they approach the finish line... Lightning just barely crosses the finish line before Francesco does!) McQueen's the winner! Francesco's second, and they have no idea what happened behind them!" 

Lightning cheered, feeling much better now that he won! Mater was right, he could drive circles around Francesco! Francesco was furious, unable to believe that not only did Lightning actually win, but he beat him on his turf!


"(Slams tire into the ground) Gah! This is impossible!"

"That's what I'm talking about! Ka-chow!"

But as he celebrated his victory, Lightning heard sirens blaring! He and Francesco turned around, worried about where all the other racers are!


"Wha— wh-what happened? Where are the other cars?"

"What is going on?"

He and McQueen turned to the big screen, Carla and Nigel were being treated for their injuries right now... But were horrified to see the rest of the other racers but for Lewis and Jeff! The two rivals were in shock, realizing that they were the only two race cars that actually finished the race at all!

"Oh, no!"

"Oh mio!"

He and McQueen drove over to Carla and Nigel, who were all treated and fixed up! "Carla, Nigel, siete due ok?"

"Yeah, are you two alright?"

The Brazilian and the England race cars drove up to them, thankful for their concern!

"We are Ok, Lightning McQueen! But who won the race?"

"And what about the other racers?"

"Well, I won the Race and Francesco came in second, but..."

"All the other racers ended up crashing into Shu Todoroki after his engine blew, only Lewis and Jeff were lucky enough to stop before they hit the others!"

Carla and Nigel were shocked, knowing that something like that should never happen! Suddenly, Luigi calls Lightning and the others over to McQueen's Pit section!

"McQueen! Everyone! Miles Axerold is being interviewed about the Final race and Allinol!"

Quickly, Lightning, Carla, Nigel, and Francesco made their way over to McQueen's Pit row, seeing that a clearly devastated Sir Miles Axlerod is being interviewed by Brent and the media press!

"Sir Axlerod, is the final race in London still going to take place?"

"I suppose that... (SIGHS) Look, the show must go on, as they say. but now is not the time to talk about..."

"And Allinol? Will you require all the racers to still run on Allinol?"

Finally, Axerold made a shocking decision, to keep any more race cars from being hurt, or possibly killed in the final race!

"I cannot, in good conscience, continue to risk the lives of any more race cars. The final race will not be run on Allinol!"

Lightning, his team, Francesco, Carla, and Nigel are in shock!

"There you have it, a clearly devastated Sir Miles Axlerod announcing that he will not require the cars to use Allinol for the final race!"

While Lightning was a bit shocked himself, Darrell Cartrip and some of the Media press wanted a word with him! "Excuse me, Lightning McQueen?"

The race car hears him, confused by what he wants! "Yes?"

"Darrell would like a word with you if you don't mind?"

Francesco encourages him to go, knowing that this might be his one and only chance to let his Tow Truck know that he's sorry! "Go on, McQueen! This could be your one chance to let your Tow Truck know that you're sorry for your blowup in Japan, amico!"

Lightning nods, before driving to talk to Darrel and the media press about what happened earlier today! "I'm just in shock myself like everybody is after today... Crashes are a part of racing, I know, but something like that should never happen!"

"They're letting you choose your fuel for the final race. Do you have any idea what it's gonna be?"

Taking Francesco's advice from earlier, McQueen makes his choice! "Allinol!"

Everyone was shocked at the race car's choice! "What?!"


"Did he just say Allinol?!

Luigi and Guido shushed the three race cars, wanting to hear their friend's reasons! 

"Shh, tranquillo!"

"Me, Guido, and the rest of us are trying to listen!"

Darrel was shocked by the rookie's choice of his fuel for the final race, especially after what happened today!

"Allinol? Even after today?"

"My friend Fillmore says that the fuel is safe, that's good enough for me. I didn't stand by a friend of mine recently, I'm not gonna make the same mistake twice!"

His team and racers are shocked by his words, knowing that he's referring to Mater before driving away! 

"So a surprising revelation from Lightning McQueen. He will use Allinol in the final race, despite what occurred today..."

As everyone else leaves, Fillmore saw that Sarge was concerned with something! "Everything Ok, man?"

"I don't think it's a wise idea for Lightning to use Allinol in the final race! If it can hurt race cars like it did today and in Japan, who knows what it could do to McQueen in London?! Maybe even possibly..."

Fillmore sees his friend trail off, knowing exactly what Sarge means even for a peace lover like him!

"Kill him?..."

"And something happens to him, I don't know how the others back home could take it... And Mater would be devastated that his best friend was killed during a race!"

"Well, what do you suggest that we do?"

Sarge knows that there's one fuel that Lightning can use instead! "We'll just have to switch out Allinol with your all-natural, sustainable, organic biofuel, I just don't trust that Axelrod!"

The two friends decided that they would switch out Lightning's Allinol fuel with Fillmore's fuel before the race in London, England!

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