Long Live Lemons/He's okay, for now...

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At the elegant casino in the heart of Porto Corsa, Mater watched as the Lemon who was in charge of the entire operation was being displayed on the T.V! But he was using a disguised voice so that he wouldn't blow his cover! 

"Welcome, everyone. I wish I could be with you on this very special day, but my clutch assembly broke. You know how it is!"

All the Lemons agreed with him, understanding how their friend feels! "(Sighs in agreement!)"

"Forget about it!"

We know how you feel!"

Over his radio, Finn and Holley were trying to descramble the disguised voice. But it was way too sophisticated! But their attention was turned to what the mystery engine boss was saying!

"We are here to celebrate. Today, all your hard work pays off. The world turned has their backs on cars like us. They stopped manufacturing us, stopped making our parts. The only thing they haven't stopped doing is laughing at us. They've called us terrible names: jalopy, rust bucket, heap, clunker, junker, beater, wreck, rattletrap, lemon... But their insults just give us strength! Because today... My friends, that all ends!"

Three T.Vs are brought up, on one of them shows one of the racers in WGP on the casino bridge! Suddenly, her engine blows, causing her to lose control! Mater started to remember the same crashes from the last race in Japan!

"Oh! Miguel Camino has blown an engine!"

"Very unusual, Darrell. He's been so consistent all year!"

"Smoke from number 10, Clutchgoneski!"

"Oh! Number 4 is loose! Max Schnell!"

Darrell's voice snapped Mater out of it, horrified by what is going on! 

"There's smoke on the casino bridge!"


"Oh, no!"

"It's Carla Veloso, the Brazilian race car!"

As Carla crashes into the side of the casino bridge, Finn and Holley saw what just happened! 

"What just happened?"

"I'm working on it!"

In the casino, all the Lemons cheered at seeing Carla hurt! Alexander Hugo smiled, not knowing that his friend Ivan was actually Mater in disguise!


"They laughed at us, but now it's our turn to laugh back!"

Suddenly, another race car crashed!

"Another crash! It's number 9, Nigel Gearsley!"

"Embrace your inner lemon. Let it drive you!"

While Alexander and the other Lemons laughed, Mater heard what Holley was saying to Finn over on his Spy radio!


"I'm detecting an extremely strong electromagnetic pulse! (Sees that it's the camera that Finn saw on the Oil Platform and being used by the Grem and Acer!) Finn, it's the camera!"


"On the tower!"

However, Mater's attention was too focused on what the Lemon on the big screen was saying to hear his friends anymore! It was starting to make sense, the WGP event was a sinister plot to make Allinol look bad since it was actually gasoline, so that everyone would go back to using oil!

"This was meant to be alternative fuel's greatest moment. But after today, everyone will race back to gasoline. And we, the owners of the world's largest untapped oil reserve will become the most powerful cars in the world! They will come to us, and they will have no choice because they will need us! And they will finally respect us! So hold your hoods high! After today, you will never again be ashamed of who you are!"

While he was speaking, Mater realized that the camera that Finn saw on the Oil Platform was actually an radiation gun in disguise, which meant that whoever used Allinol, their engines would explode! Mater was horrified, that meant even Lightning was in danger too!

"Long live lemons!"

Then, a Japanese racer blew an engine too! "Oh! Number 7 is loose! Shu Todoroki!"

Suddenly, four more racers crashed into him, wrecking them! Number 5, Miguel Camino, Number 4, Max Schnell, Number 6, Raoul Caroule, and Number 10, Rip Clutchgoneski! The only two Race cars that are lucky enough to not get hurt at all were Number 2, Lewis Hamilton, and Number 24, Jeff Gorvette, who were good friends of McQueen! Horrified, Mater prayed that his best friend wasn't hurt by the camera or by that crash! Suddenly, the Winner of the Italy race was being decided!

"Bumper to bumper as they approach the finish line! McQueen's the winner! Francesco's second! And they have no idea what happened behind them!"

Mater sighed with relief and joy, glad that his best friend didn't get hurt and beat Francesco on his own turf as well! He's okay, for now...

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