Chapter 21 - Take It to the Grave

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Trigger warning - mentions of abuse, bruises and scars

Trigger warning - mentions of abuse, bruises and scars

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Summer loving had me a blast

Summer loving happened so fastI met a girl crazy for meMet a boy cute as can be

3rd Person POV.

Malia stares at him. What the hell was Lucas doing here? she thinks to herself

Hermione notices and nudges her. "Someone you know?"

"He's cute." Ginny compliments. Malia didn't take her eyes off the boy. Her mind must be playing tricks on her. 

"Who's cute?" Fred and George intervene.

"No one." Malia says, looking away.

"That boy over.... where did he go?" Hermione says, not being able to find him anymore. Malia looks around trying to find him as well.

"Is he your first love?" Ginny asks.

"How romantic to meet here after all these years?" Hermione adds.

"First love?" Fred and George laugh.

Malia isn't listening to them. No, it can't be. Malia thought to herself. But, if it was nothing, how did Ginny and Hermione see? For the rest of the game, Malia was unsettled. She couldn't stop thinking about that boy. What was he doing here? Why here of all places?

Malia can't get her mind of who she just saw. She walks down back to the tent in silence. "What's with you?" George asks, as she just shakes her head like it is nothing. It's not like she can tell them. Not now at least.

The match is over. Ireland has won. The stadium errupts in cheers and roars. "They'll be talking about this one for years," Bagman said hoarsely, "a really unexpected twist, that. . . . shame it couldn't have lasted longer. . . . Ah yes. . . . yes, I owe you . . . how much?"

For Fred and George had just scrambled over the backs of their seats and were standing in front of Ludo Bagman with broad grins on their faces, their hands outstretched.

Malia turns around and glares at him. "Your girlfriend doesn't seem to like me."

"Oh, she doesn't like anyone." Fred adds.

"And she's not our girlfriend." George adds, not sure why Fred didn't correct them.

Once they make their way back to the tent. Hermione, Ginny and Malia are painting each other's nails and braiding each other's hairs. Malia is still thinking about what happened, but was distracted by the girls.

"Don't tell your mother you've been gambling," Mr Weasley implores.

Fred and George as they all make their way slowly down the purple-carpeted stairs. "Don't worry, Dad," Fred says, gleefully, "we've got big plans for this money. We don't want it confiscated."

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