Chapter 46 - Friends?

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3rd Person POV.

Malia and Ryan are having a great time together. It is convenient being in the same house as your significant other. It is also more convenient having them be in the same year. Then there will be classes together too. They are being annoyingly adorable and everyone could see it. A lot of people saw it coming, but most just think they are adorable.

Professor Flitwick is very glad to see his two favourite students together. He also thinks that Ryan could help Malia become more studious. Hagrid thinks that it was wonderful that Malia are dating. Other professors are surprised but didn't care enough to have an opinion.

Fred and Malia haven't spoken in a while. It hurt Fred too much to watch them together. Malia and Ryan are way too infatuated with each other to notice that he is avoiding them.

Malia is really sad too, but she just tried to look forward and focus on Ryan. It took a while and Ryan has been very accommodating to her and the situation. They agreed to take things slow and it worked out for the better. They are happy, but Malia still misses Fred.

After a while of being sad, Fred began to get better. He focuses on his work, the twins plan to open up their own shop. Even if he couldn't get Malia, he definitely didn't need help in the girl's department.

Little did everyone know, he actually started to like someone else. After the whole classroom incident, Nikki and him would say hi every time they saw each other. "Hey Nikki." Fred waves.

"Hey Fred." she would smile back.

Eventually, due to being in the same house, they would see each other often. One day, he is showing her one of the newer inventions and one thing led to another.

"So, like this here...." Fred smirks, leaning close to her face.

"Yeah?" Nikki replies, very interested in what Fred is trying to show her.

Fred smiles, leaning a little bit closer. Nikki eventually got the hint and leans in for a peck. They eventually started sneaking off to classrooms for a quick makeout sesh before returning to classes like normal.

After the kiss, Fred began to be cheery and giddy. "What's with you?" Lee asks noticing his recent change in demeanour.

"Nothing, it's a beautiful day isn't it?" Fred smiles.

"Definitely." George says.

"I also decided ways we can fund our business Georgie." Fred adds.

"Yeah?" George says curiously.

"The next Tournament. We can do bets." Fred explains. "People will give us money to bet who they think will win and we will take a small percentage."

"Genius." George says, punching his arm lightly.

"Uh oh." Lee says.

Fred's smile changes the moment he sees Malia and Ryan kissing goodbye as they move on to their next separate classes. Malia is off to the study of ancient runes class and Ryan is off to his Arithmancy class.

"Still not over it?" George says.

"It's okay Freddie." Lee says, trying to cheer him up.

"No, it was just... unsettling. I'm fine guys. Trust me." Fred says. He really is. He isn't glad, but he isn't sad. And that is a great start. Besides, Fred always liked to be positive and look on the bright side. He has Nikki now.

Fred goes to see Nikki at lunch, but accidentally runs into Malia. "Sorry... oh." Fred says, realising who it is he just bumped into.

Malia smiles, "Freddie. Hi."

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