Chapter 63: 'Presentation'

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Chapter 63: 'Presentation'

Laying in the dark, Jimin can't seem to shut his eyes for a nap. The apartment has been dark since he came back. Jimin didn't even bother to turn the heater on. He hid under his thick comforter right after changing his clothes.

The image of Ji-une kissing Jungkook on the cheeks keeps playing in his mind. It does remind him of the time Jungkook came back one night with a smell of woman's perfume and lipstick stain on his shirt. Such a betrayal.

Jimin has been giving himself credits for not breaking and being affected by all Jungkook's behaviors, but now, that girl makes his blood boil non-stop. He's doing a good job on hiding because Park Jimin is still so affected by Jeon Jungkook.

He hates all these sweet little things Jungkook has been doing for him. Jungkook has no right to do anything extra sweet for him even though free food is good. He won't reject free food, but it takes a lot of energy not to throw those flowers in Jungkook's face when he gives them. It took so much energy not to curse at Jungkook when he gave a compliment. Jimin knows he did great, but now, Jimin just doesn't know how to not be affected when Jungkook is with other girls. It's going to happen, and stupid Park Jimin didn't think or even prepare for that.

It might just be because Jimin never really allowed himself to rip off that plaster of that wound about Jungkook with another girl. The reason might simply be because it's too much to bear. Too painful to think about those hands touching someone else. Jimin knows he will break for sure to allow himself to think about Jungkook's thin lips kissing someone else. Those hands were supposed to touch him. Those lips are supposed to kiss him. Only him.

Jimin practiced not being affected by being with his family, but for this thing, Jimin has no clue how to deal. It's not like he's ever been with anyone before Jungkook.

Fisting on his comforter so hard, Jimin feels his stomach being too heavy. It's hard to breathe. His mind is clouded by that image of Jungkook and that girl and any other girls. He wishes he can cry it out loud, but god knows why Jimin has not been crying. It's just numb. Everything feels numb, but how can this emptiness feel so heavy? How come numbness feels so painful?

Jimin must have been drowning in his thoughts long and deep enough to not notice the 'click' sound of the door and footsteps coming in.


Jungkook's voice wakes Jimin up from his thoughts immediately. Not making a sound, Jimin just lays there in the dark.

"Jimin? Are you home?" Jungkook raises his voice, but there's still no sound of Jimin.

Jimin just lays there. Can't seem to make a decision whether to let Jungkook know if he's there or just stay silent. His body rejects him. His throat doesn't allow that. It may be anger that he doesn't want to interact. Can't Jungkook just let it go and just leave?, but the sound of furious footsteps walking up the stairs is being heard. Too furious to give Jimin time to get up and turn on the light.

"Jimin?" Jungkook says softly when he sees the silhouette of Jimin laying in bed. "You're here." He pants, trying to make it as quiet as possible, assuming Jimin might be taking a nap.

And for some reason, Jimin just shut his eyes. Not wanting to interact because he's quite sure that he will break by talking to Jungkook, and then he has to hold himself to keep closing his eyes when he feels the weight on the bed close to him. Jungkook is sitting on the edge of the bed.

Jimin didn't know it's so difficult to just close his eyes and breathe normally, but Jungkook is making it harder by placing his hand on Jimin's cheek. Jimin feels the hard texture of Jungkook's thumb rubbing under his eyes. Oh how much Jimin misses the rough texture that always makes his skin tickle. Jungkook doesn't stop there. He tugs Jimin's strand of hair behind his ears, and Jimin can feel the stare even when his eyes are shut.

Looking at Jimin, worry is building up so much. This might be the only time he can embrace Jimin's beauty without any wall between them. It hurts. Really really badly. Jungkook keeps on rubbing Jimin's face like that for some time as his other hand holds onto Jimin's soft one. So soft that Jungkook wants to kiss it just like how he used to. Therefore, he does.

Kissing Jimin's hand gently, Jungkook also inhales the faded honey scent of Jimin's hand. He misses it to the point where it's torturing, and rubbing Jimin's hand on his on face does give him comfort as he closes his eyes. The urge to kiss Jimin has been building up and up. He just wants to kiss and hug Jimin without having to let go ever again, and it's like Jungkook is in trance where his face leans down automatically to kiss Jimin's forehead. Gentle and long. He takes the time to kiss both corners of Jimin's eyes, not even caring about how Jimin is moving his face to the side, he continues to kiss Jimin's both cheeks. Call him creepy for inhaling Jimin's scent like he's hungry. He really is. Jungkook just wants to collect the scent while he can.

Jungkook pauses before he looks at the beauty an inch away from his eyes, and then he decides to lean down again. "Hyung misses you, Jimin-ah. It hurts." This time he targets the lips, but before he can reach, Jimin's hand pushes his face away, harshly.

"What do you think you're doing?" Jimin suddenly gets up. "I can file a lawsuit or even report this to the police for touching me without consent." Thanks to this, Jimin's mind is being distracted from that thing about Jungkook and Ji-une.

"You're awake." Jungkook smiles gently, ignoring the pain on his nose from Jimin's push. He also ignores Jimin's sentence about the police. "I knew you're awake." Well, the way Jimin moved his face to the side gave it off. Jungkook is a quick observer.

"I would appreciate you not invading my space like this." Jimin says coldly before he gets up. The area is still dark, and the younger of the two is heading to the closet, but he's stopped by Jungkook pulling him back onto his laps. "What are you doing? Let go!"

"It's been a while since you've raised your voice. It feels nice."

And those two sentences make Jimin stop. He tries to keep his posture calm and together. "Please let go."

"Get away from my hold if you can, but I won't let go." Jungkook hugs Jimin even tighter after he turns Jimin's body to the side, so he can see Jimin's face better.

Jimin takes all the strength to push Jungkook away without uttering a word. He doesn't want to be affected. Now showing it. He will not break.

"Did you eat? I stopped by your class and informed the instructor that you're sick, so you're not absent. I used a little trick." Jungkook informs. "I also brought class handouts and assignments back."

"Please let go, or I'll really report this." Jimin says as he tries to push hard.

"Report all you want." Jungkook says in a serious manner. It starts to be frustrating that Jimin still resists him. "Oh, and you have to do a presentation next week. I can help you with that. We can practice together too if you want. Just like how we used to."

'Presentation and practice' Oh it's triggering on so many levels. Practice together? Yes, Jimin remembers back in their sweet days, They practiced together. Those big doe eyes were adoring him so much when he tried to make a professional facial expression and smile. Jimin was amazed and actually happy how Jungkook didn't see his awkward smiling face ugly. Jungkook told him to just smile normally, and Jungkook loved it that way. The older one was even jealous and told Jimin to be himself but not too much because he was so protective of Jimin's smile. How sweet.

But the sweetness Jungkook gave might not be given to only him. Would Jungkook laugh too when Ji-une makes an awkward presentation face? Would Jungkook tell Ji-une to just be herself? Would Jungkook tell her that he adores her smile just like how he did with Jimin, and will Jungkook get jealous of her too?

With those thoughts, Jimin's stomach is on flame with anger. His breath becomes heavier, and Jimin's hand and foot move automatically. Pinching Jungkook's hard on his arm while his feet step on Jungkook's one, Jimin finally gets out of Jungkook's hold. He ignores a small whimper from Jungkook as he walks away to the closet.

"Don't you have your own presentation to work on? Go and practice with your partner."


End of chapter 

A/N: Can't sleep. Need to write. 

I have this intention for this chapter to be a thirst trapping chapter. 

Is it working? 

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