Chapter 40: Oath

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Chapter 40: Oath



and dark. Jimin opens his eyes to meet with darkness that takes over the room. He blinks his eyes repeatedly to adjust with the darkness. Hugging himself tighter under the thick blanket.

Ouch. Jimin bites his lips as his own movements cause the pain on his lower back from trying to flip himself to the other side. The pain reminds me of the previous incident. He just lost his virginity to Jungkook. It was unexpected. It happened suddenly, and he was willing.

His stomach twirls at the image of him and Jungkook. How Jungkook asked him with a serious face for his consent, how Jungkook knows his way to make him feel good and relax. Jimin's face feels hot thinking of Jungkook's thick member being in him, thrusting into him slowly at first and the pace got faster and faster. Even though it was painful, Jimin feels pleasure from the pain. The pleasure of him completely belongs to Jungkook. The pleasure of Jungkook moaning his name. He made Jungkook feel good, didn't he?

Jimin smiles faintly at how Jungkook kissed him all over and cleaned him up before he fell asleep, but his thoughts are interrupted with his stomach growling. He slowly gets up, assuming that Jungkook would be in the kitchen waiting for him to wake up. His feet touch the floor, and he feels pain all over his body, especially on his lower parts. "Hyung." Jimin calls out, but he hears nothing back. "Hyung?" He raises his voice. Again nothing.

He slowly makes his way to the kitchen, but the whole place is dark. Jungkook is nowhere to be found. The clock shows that it's about midnight. Where could the older one be at this hour? Jimin gets a glass of water for himself as he sits on the stool.

Ouch. Again. The pain is almost unbearable. He realizes he can no longer sit. He then walks back to the bed. Noticing his phone is out of battery, he's too weak to walk back into the living room to get his charger, so Jimin decides to curl himself in a ball under the thick blanket again.

He stays like that for some time, trying to fall back to sleep with many thoughts that are not useful for his mind. Why is Jungkook not here? Did he do something wrong? He would be lying if he didn't expect Jungkook to still cuddle him tight until he wakes up. Is he being dramatic? He should not expect too much?

Jimin heard some stories about some guys disappear after sex. Some take virginity and run. No. His Jungkook hyung is not like that. But it's not impossible. It's not impossible that Jungkook wants to drop someone like him. It's not impossible that Jungkook wouldn't want him anymore. All the worst possibilities take over Jimin's mind. They seem to exhaust Jimin enough for Jimin to fall back to sleep with heavy feelings in his chest.


'Well, it's good to know we're on the same page of truth.' Gritting his teeth while hearing the person on the other end talk, Jungkook let out a sigh.

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