Chapter 35: Plans

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A/N: I'll try harder to be punctual.


Chapter 35: Plans

Jungkook sits on the couch by the bed of Jeon's residence they're staying for two nights. Scrolling on his phone, a message notification pops up from one of Jeon's guys.

To Jungkook
Sir, call me back when you can. We got info about Park Minjung and Park Jimin. It's better to speak to you over the phone. I'm keeping this to myself until I tell you.

Jungkook takes a deep breath as his stomach curls. He should be relieved that he would get to know more about Munjung, but the reason for the discomfort was the info about Jimin. For some reason, he is not ready. His guts has been telling him something he tries really hard to avoid. Many what-ifs have been coming to his mind. He's been scared of the truth, but he knows he has to face it soon.


Jungkook wakes up from his thoughts right when he hears Jimin screaming. He assumes the younger one is done taking a shower since the sound of water stopped running. "Jimin-ah, are you good?" Jungkook asks before he gets up and knocks on the bathroom door.

"I'm fine." Jimin replies.

"Did you fall or something?" Jungkook asks again.

"No. I scratched mosquito spots too harshly, and it hurt when I applied the ointment." Jimin replies casually.

"Let me see?" Jungkook knocks on the door, and Jimin opens immediately. Well, he's a lot more comfortable being naked in front of Jungkook, so a topless Jimin doesn't think it's something to be shy about.

The door opens for Jungkook to see a wet hair Jimin wearing yellow shorts, without anything on top. "Here." Jimin turns his back for Jungkook to see. "Am I bleeding? I can't really see through the mirror."

"Oh my god. These mosquitoes." Jungkook's eyebrows are knitted together, seeing more spots in Jimin than he expected. "Did you apply ointment to all the spots?"

"I think so." Jimin applied to 2 spots on his legs. One on his belly, right chest and right shoulder. "Not sure about my back."

"Let me see." Jungkook then turns Jimin around again. Checking all over Jimin's back, and then he lifts up the hem of that yellow shorts Jimin is wearing. "No, not all."

"What?" Jimin doesn't know he got bitten on his asses too.

"These pervert mosquitoes."

The taller one pulls Jimin's waist band at the back down, applying and rubbing on Jimin butt's skin gently. He has no idea how it would affect Jimin though.

"Since when you're not wearing underwear to sleep? And shorts?" Jungkook asks. Jimin always wears them, but why not tonight?

Jimin's eyes widening. Only now he remembers the plan for tonight. The mosquito scratch made him forget completely. He informed Taehyung, Jin and Mina this morning that things didn't go as planned in their 'surprise Jungcock' group chat, so they suggested Jimin try tonight.

Jin also came up with a new outfit plan for Jimin. The older thought it would be sexier if Jimin doesn't wear anything under an extra pair of shorts. Luckily Jimin bought one some time ago because Jungkook's favorite color is yellow.

"Jimin?" Jungkook calls out to Jimin who was silent for a good minute. He puts the waistband back up.

Biting his lips, Jimin decided that it's time to follow what he planned. "Hyung, my left thighs got bitten too. Can you help me apply again? The ointment was rubbed off by the shorts I guess."

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