Chapter 26: More hints and clues.

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Chapter 26: More hints and clues.

'Perfect life' is different for each and every one of us. Some just want a roof above their heads, decent space to sleep and food 3 times a day. Some think it's about a beautiful warm family, but some don't think it's perfect if they have a warm family without wealth. For some, it's all about wealth and fame. No family needed. As long as they have all the superficial factors in their life, they can sacrifice anything, nothing matters. Not even their true self.

It's a typical Monday morning in Seoul. A man in his 50s looks down from his office window looking at people walking on the streets rushing to their work to make a living. It reminds him of his younger self when he sometimes used to walk an hour to his workplace for a year because he didn't even have enough money for public transportation. He'd done many part time jobs to get himself educated. When he got a position as an errand guy in a production company, he made a promise to himself to never lose the opportunities to get higher in the career. Because for someone like him, opportunities are like gold.

Therefore, no matter how much he has to sacrifice, no matter what it's going to take, he will never ever lose focus on his goal.

"PD-nim, your son is here to meet you." His secretary's voice interrupts him from thinking about his past. "Should I let him in?"

"Yes, let him in."


But before the secretary walks out, Jungkook already walks in the room.


"Jungkook." Chansung calls his name before he turns his back to the window he was watching. "Have a seat."

Jungkook sits on the couch that's located in the middle of the room before he crosses his legs comfortably.

Silence takes over the room. Jungkook doesn't say a word as he expects his father to initiate the conversation.

"So how is everything? Doing good at school?" Chansung asks.

"Let's get straight to the point. I don't think you need to know about my life." Jungkook says in a deep cold tone.

"Ok." Chansung now looks to the floor as he doesn't know how or where to start the conversation.

"So should we start with your sexual preferences?" Jungkook smirks.

"Jungkook." The father lets out a sigh. "Look. Me and your mom, we were best friends."

"Do I need to know that? That doesn't matter."

"I'm gay Jungkook." Chansung's words cause Jungkook's lips to part. Not because he's shocked, but it's because he's now confused. Not even a bi? What about his mom?

And as if the father heard Jungkook's thoughts. "Me and your mom met at a random bar. We got to know each other and had conversations from time to time. One night we both were down. Your mom was down about her job, and I was down about my life. We both were drunk, and it led to something further. That's how she was pregnant with you."

"So you didn't cheat." (A/N: in Chapter 8, It was mentioned that Jungkook thought his dad was cheating on his mom with a woman. The woman that his dad reacted to weirdly when he mentioned her.)

"I did, but not with that woman, and your mom knew."

"She knew?" It starts to be hard to breathe for Jungkook.

"She wouldn't give you up. She wanted to keep you, and she was fine doing it without me." Chansung continues.

Jungkook scoffs. "You didn't want me even before I was born."

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