Chapter 59: Not the same

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Chapter 59: Not the same

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Chapter 59: Not the same

Full moon light shines through the certain touching the beauty in front of Jungkook who's sleeping soundly in his arms. With the air condition controller in one of his hands, Jungkook adjusts the blanket that covers Jimin's body again.

They both are in Jungkook's room which is located right on the same floor of Jimin's room. Just on the other side. It's the only place Jungkook could think of at that moment. He can't really put himself to sleep when a small body in his arms keeps moving and squeezing himself closer once in a while. Jungkook just needs to make sure Jimin is not getting cold.

How can he sleep when many thoughts are disturbing him? Jimin is getting so thin. He imagines bones will be seen on his naked body just by cuddling. Even though Jimin's honey scent calms him down, it doesn't stop him from thinking.

Guilt has been taking over him as he sees dark circles under Jimin's eyes. Knotted eyebrows even in his sleep. It's because of him, is it? He also notices from a distance this morning that Jimin looks paler. Those rosy cheeks are not as rosy as before.

Hugging Jimin tighter before he gives a light kiss on Jimin's forehead, inhaling Jimin's hair. He misses this so much it hurts.

Not a single night Jungkook doesn't miss this. Jimin being in his arms. The urge to just pull Jikin into his arms and kiss the younger one hard has always been there, but guilt he felt for his family, especially his mom.

Things about Park Minjung are still on, but Park Jimin is not responsible for anything. His sweet Park Jimin will keep being by his side, won't he? This is just Jimin sulking, right? He deserves a hard time anyways after all he has put Jimin through.

The image of Jimin throwing away their promise bracelet keeps playing on his mind. Jimin really planned on ending their thing? But what was that kiss?

No attention seeking act. Jimin is not like that. Never before has Jungkook experienced something like this. Kissing him before walking away to throw their bracelet, who does that? 'This is hot, but you're way too late.' Jimin didn't block the kiss. Does it mean Jungkook still has a chance?

Jungkook just hopes Jimin is not shutting him out for good. Hoping that this is just a punishment. He will do whatever it takes to keep Jimin. Not realizing his forcing energy, Jungkook squeezes Jimin tight to himself. Way too tight that it earns a whimper from the younger one.

"Mmm" Jimin just nuzzles his face against Jungkook's chest, pushing his torso away, and no way Jungkook is letting go with just one push.

The taller of the two can feel the younger one inhaling his scent too before he hugs Jungkook tighter. Jimin seems to be extremely relaxed and comfortable just like back when they used to cuddle every night. Actually, every time they get a chance.

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