Episode 8

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At y/n's place:

Jungkook was sitting on the couch with his legs resting on the table.

Wonyoung was standing in front of him with her arms tied or her chest, giving him death glares.

"Why are you here? ", she asked looking at him.

""Stop acting innocent, didn't I tell you last time? Well, I am not gonna take your time. So listen to me for once and for all. You thought of marrying someone rich? Fine by my side. But that person turning out to be my brother is not fine by my side. You cannot marry him and you already know why. Because you fucked his brother. And still acted all innocent in front of him. You know I have your videos right? What if I show them to Namjoon? Wouldn't he hate you? So it's better for you to back up yourself or you'll put yourself in grave danger as Namjoon might not be the only one to see them. ",he said still glaring at her with smirk on his face.

Tears were rolling down her eyes as this is the thing she can never do. Namjoon is her happiness. He is her life. She can't live without him and nor can she let him see all of that. Her life and honour both were at stake but the only thing she cared about is her reputation in Namjoon's eyes. She won't let him hate her. She can't.

"Or I have another option for you.", he said now standing up.

"Look Namjoon loves you a lot. And unlike you, you are his first love. If you will get separated from him he will definitely be sad and I can't see him like that. Although I hate you and girls like you but he has already chosen you so I can't do anything but be happy in his happiness. So for his sake I can stay silent.", as he said that a smile of hope appeared on her face. But all her hope was about to be shattered in a while.

"But.... "

Well he wouldn't do anything without his benefit.

"I will stay silent but you will also need to stay silent. I won't tell anything to Namjoon and you won't say anything to y/n." Now her expression were rather confused one.

Why is he mentioning y/n? She thought while looking at him.

"Well you know, actually, I have a thing for her. But if you will tell her then it will create problems for me. You know me already, I don't keep girls more than a month with me and I guess the case with her will also be the same. It won't effect your relationship with Namjoon and I guarantee to that. And when it comes to y/n, she will be free in a month to date anybody else and your secret will be sealed for always. Great deal right? I know that....", before he could complete his sentence he felt a stinging pain on his left cheek. He was slapped by Wonyoung.

Tears were continuously running down her eyes as she couldn't believe her ears.

"How dare you? First you destroyed my life. Now you want to destroy her's? I will never let it happen Jeon jungkook. I would never let you touch my sister. ", she shouted at his face with her teary eyes.

He tilted his head as his eyes were now fully red. The veins in his neck were popping out. He truly looked like a monster.

He grabbed her hair harshly and pinned her to the wall.

"If I want her, then I want her. Let alone you. Nobody, NOBODY can save her from me. She is suppose to be mine and SHE WILL BE! I will make her mine at any cost, by hook or by crook. You have a time till tomorrow. Think about what you have to do. Because I know exactly what I am gonna do after that.", he left her hair with a jerk which made her fall on the ground. He stormed out of the house and closed the door with a loud thud.

She started sobbing out loud hugging her knees still sitting on the floor.

At y/n's office :

I met Mr. Jung and he described the job for me and it's requirements. Well, it's not that easy.

But when I heard the salary package I couldn't resist but say a yes. Not in a million years I thought of having such a good salary package.

I walked out of my office, heading towards my house. I won't need to be in the office for a while as I got a leave for two weeks. I want to spend this whole time with Wonyoung and help her with her wedding preparations completely.

After two weeks I will need to rejoin as the CEO's P.A. I grabbed my care keys and left for my house.

As I reached my house I saw that the front door was already open. That's weird.

I went inside but Wonyoung wasn't there in the living room.

I called her name a few times and after getting no response I thought of looking by myself. I looked at her room, her bathroom, my room, my bathroom, the kitchen, the living room and the store room.

Did somebody try to break into the house?  Well the doors are securely locked with the smart locks.

Did she go somewhere? Leaving the door open? She is not irresponsible. Then what? I was still indulged in my thoughts when I suddenly heard a loud thud behind me.

It came from out of the house.
I took slow steps towards the outside. It was winters so there was barely anybody on the outside.

Then my eyes fell on the floor. A floor with was earlier covered with snow was now a pool of blood. I stumbled towards there slowly and saw a girl lying on the floor bathing in her own blood. A girl wearing the same clothes as Wonyoung..... A girl wearing the same ring as she got from Namjoon. Is she Wonyoung? Is she my sister? My sister? 

I approached her with shaking hands and moved her body. Now I could see the face. Now I was sure I am alone forever.

Now I was sure it was Wonyoung.....

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