Mon Amour |Sir Billiam/Hubert|

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The first time Billiam was forced to remember his last.. butler... was when the pinkette walked down the steps the day after he...left.

Sir Billiams steps were slow, as he reached the end step he saw someone in a suit kneeling down scrubbing the floor from last nights masquerade. And for a second, just a split..hopeful second the noble thought he saw Hubert. But as his shoe clicked on the floor as he stepped forward the butlers head shot back to look at him revealing it was the heterochromia eyed teen aged butler.

The pinkette sighed and lowered his head,

"Butler... get me some-" The noble hesitated, he knew Hubert always hated when he drank early in the morning. He always took the wine glass out of his hand and poured the expensive drink out.

"Get me... uh.. a glass of water.."

When the butler didn't hear what his employer usually asks for the boys face lit up with happiness.

"Yes of course sir!" And he sped walked to the kitchen.

The noble walked to his large kitchen sitting at the farthest seat. The three had always had a system, Hubert would cook as that was his favourite part of the job, and Ranbutler would get the pinkette a drink then help where he could with Hubert. but now... he had to use what little time he had to learn from Hubert to cook the meal himself.

Ranbutler shuffled over to the table with a tall glass of water before placing it on the table then bowing down.

"What are you feeling today sir? Uhh I can try to make an porridge? And we um.. have some left over bread!" The butler stuttered out.

The pinkette took one look at the young butler, and saw what he saw in Hubert the first week he started working for the noble.

"Whatever you can butler... don't worry about it" He knew it was very noble like to let the butler off easy but seeing his missing butler in his younger butler did something to him.

Ranbutler smiled and bowed once more before shuffling off.

'Bloody Hubert...'

The pinkette lowered his head as tears brim his eyes.

The noble sat at the table for half an hour before the butler returned with some with a chunk of bread and a mug.

"I'm so sorry sir.. I burned the porridge and didn't want you to wait any longer! but I'll make sure lunch is brilliant!"

The noble just hummed and picked up the mug and smelling to see what it was.

"that's just some watered down wine! You usually have wine with your food.."

Sir Billiam nodded and mumbled a thank you before pushing the glass away and picking up the bread.

The next time was when Ranbutler finally questioned where his mentor had gone...

"Sir Billiam.. I hope you don't mind me askin'..." The noble was sitting in the 'family' room, while the young butler was dusting around the room.


The young butler hesitated..

"What happened to Hubert..?"

Sir Billiams head snapped up, his eyes wide and mouth in a frown.

"Why...?" Even if asking where the former personally butler was a responsible and reasonable question it flipped something in the pinkette brain that made it so he couldn't think straight.

"He said he was gonna teach me eveeything he knew! i was really excited for that! But then he didn't show up one day..."

Sir Billiams eyebrows furrowed in guilt. He knew the two were close, during their breaks where Hubert used to always talk to Billiam, he spent dragging the young butler around and showing him things. Even when they had been working he'd make sure Ranbutler was learning.

For example after a sparring session when Hubert was wrapping Sir Billiams hands, he showed Ran ever step, showing how to tell if it was too loose or too tight.

Hubert would always ruffle the young boys hair after he successfully learned something or failed and felt bad about it..

Lest to say they were close...

"He ran off butler. I told you this." The noble snapped.

Then one day a man name Karl Jacobs? Arrived at one of the nobles masquerades, This Karl Jacobs said he was a 'minecraft streamer' very rich...

The masquerade as usual, went off the rails, 3 people showing up dead after the lights went out.

But of course during the time with the lights on, he had to make conversation with the guests. But when one question came up he froze.

"sir billiam, you mentioned having another butler! what happened to them..?"

"Hubert..yes." The pinkette looked down at his hands, eyes narrowing as he tried his best not to break by this point.



He looked down at the lifeless body. It just laid still below him bloody and sickeningly pale.

"You shouldn't have tried to fight the egg..." his voice filled with much sorrow and sadness.

The king kneeled down next to the platinum blond's — almost white haired — body, and leaned over kissing his forehead. He reached for the hand of his once beloved butler, squeezing it for comfort.

"We could have been great together... We really could have."

He dropped the deceased man's arm, and like a rag doll it dropped and rested over the blonds chest.

There was a noise outside the painting, guests were estimated to arrive any minute, but there was no way he was letting Hubert bleed out and die alone.

"But you disobeyed the egg..."

Sir Billiam pulled out a knife out of his boot, it was meant for self defence but here was the best use for it. He flipped Hubert to lay on his stomach and placed the knife at his beloveds top back, pushing it in. The knife was placed so it would puncture the man's lung and heart in one go hoping to end it as fast as it can. He pulled the knife out, and flipped the male back around.

Sir Billiam cupped the blonds face in his hands, and rubbing the smallers cheek with his thumb smearing the blood from his hand on the males face.

"You disobeyed me..."

"je suis désolé mon amour..."


Snapping back into reality Sir billiam slowly looked up into the weird visitors eyes.

"Hubert yes... well..."

In all truth, atleast in Sir Billiams mind, no on needed to know the truth as they were talking about his butler.

His butler...

His friend...

His lover...

His. Hubert.

And the egg was his to deal with..

"He ran off..."

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