Yellow Raincoat |No Ship|

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"MAMA MAMA! ITS RAINING OUTSIDE!" A little dirty blonde sheep hybrid came running out of his room, All dressed in a Yellow rain hat And yellow rain coat with some red rain boots! It was adorable.

"Little duckling... Can you wait a moment?" His mother laughed a bit, She loved her Duckling a lot.. But he was always so over excited about everything.

"No mama! The rain will go away!" He whined, He gave his mama puppy dog eyes.

"Oh my... DayDream" She laughed "Go on outside I will be there in a minute." She smiled.

"YAY!" And with that the child now known as DayDream, Ran outside. He bursted through the door and jumped down the three stairs outside. Right at the bottom where he landed was a puddle of water, It splashed everywhere. "WATER!"

DayDream continued jumping in the water puddle, His pants were already soaked. Then he saw a mud pile to his left and ran over there, Just as he was about to reach to be able to jump in it. Daydream fell right into the mud, It may not of hurt much but it scared him so he started crying. People walking by just gave him weird looks, but kept walking because of the rain.

Once his mother heard his crying, She dropped what he was doing and ran outside quickly. She picked him up and held him close. "Shhh Shhh Shhh Your fine duckling!" She rubbed his head and scratched behind his sheep ears. She heard her phone ringing inside so her and DayDream went inside, She was still holding him when she picked up her phone and answered it.



"Oh! Phil!" Daydreams mother Puffy smiled, Her and Phil had been friends for years.

"Kristin said she heard DayDream crying! Is he okay?" Phil always treated DayDream like a son because of how close Puffy and Phil are.

Puffy laughed "He's fine Phil just had a bit of a scare! He tripped in a mud pile" She looked down at DayDream.

"Oh that's good! Wilbur was freaking out and Techno was trying to run out of the house" Phil chuckled.

"Well Phil, I need of give Dream a bath there's mud everywhere!" Puffy exclaimed

"Yes Yes Of course! Call me later!"

"I will." She smiled and hung up the phone.

Dream was finally calming down, He got over the scare and was happy with being in his mothers arms. "You ready for a bath duckling?" He looked terrified. DayDream hated baths, There's only one thing that got him to go in "Patches can sit in the bathroom" She winked at him when he seemed to cheer up!

When they got into the bathroom Puffy place Daydream on the toilet seat and started up the bath. He was petting patches while waiting for his mama to finish the bath. She made sure it wasn't too hot or too cold, "Alright it's ready!" She turned towards her duckling and started to take off his rain stuff, She undressed him then picked him up. Puffy slowly put him in the tub, He looked scared but what still calm in his mothers hands "It's alright duckling, I won't let you get hurt." She said softly. He finally sat in the bath.

The bath took a little while she had to get mud out of his ears out of his hair off his tail and off his face and hands. He was calm knowing his mama was right there, and Patches was sitting on the toilet seat. It took 45 minutes to fully wash everything out, Once he was nice and clean he got dressed into his duck onesie.

Puffy didn't let him go back outside, "There will be more rain on a day I can actually watch you" She smiled "And the mud will be there tomorrow!"

Puffy brought DayDream to his bed, It was now 9:30 pm way past DayDreams bedtime. "Goodnight Duckling, Have a good sleep" Puffy kissed his forehead.

"Goodnight mama..." He said in a hush tone, He sounded tired. So she left and turned his light off.

Puffy walked back to the bathroom and picked up his Rain wear and brought it to the front door, She placed it on the bench, She picked the boots back up and put them on the shoe mat. She picked up his rain hat and placed it on the top of the coat stand, Then Puffy finally picked up the rain coat she held it up in front of her and smiled...-

Puffy was standing in front of her son...Her duckling...Her DayDream. His horns were cut off and his face was all scarred, His hair was full of dried blood and dirt. He had an orange jumper on which was also stained with dried blood and had dirt all over it. His arms and legs were cut and scarred and he had a smile cut into his mouth. Fur from his ears and tail looked ripped, And he had burns all over his body...

Puffy was holding Dreams mask close to her chest along with his yellow raincoat he had as a child.  Other people around his grave were Wilbur, Techno, Philza, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Punz, Purpled, Sapnap, And MichaelMcChill, Sam and Quackity. Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo didn't want to to be here but they were forced to come.. Techno was with Dream when he was killed... He's the only other person that knows what happened to Dream other then Sam and Quackity.

"Dream went insane...Tried attacking Quackity..." Quackity just nodded his head, Still having a stone cold face. "He had no choice but to kill him.."

Everyone stayed quiet for a minute all that could be heard was Puffys sobbing... .

Techno was furious...They were actually going to lie about his death?!

"Why don't you try telling the truth?..." Techno mumbled, Everyone looked at Technoblade. "Cant any of you tell they are lying?!" He raised his voice a bit. "SAM I LYING ABOUT DREAMS DEATH AT DREAMS FUNERAL!" Techno looked at everyone they all had wide eyes. Even Sam and Quackity.

"IVE BEEN IN PRISON WITH DREAM FOR A MONTH! AND QUACKITY VISITED EVERY WEEK!" Now everyone was looking between Sam and Quackity then Techno.

"I-Is he telling the truth?" Puffy whispered looking at Phil,

Phil lowered his head "Techno has been gone for a month... He disappeared when he went to visit Dream.." Puffys cries got louder.

"Quackity killed Dream, He went too far when torturing him." Techno said with a sneer. Wilburs eyes turned a shade of red, and Puffy looked pissed. Everyone was upset with this new news.

"Y-You...tortured my duckling....You..KILLED MY DUCKLING!" Puffy yelled, She was about to run at Quackity but Phil held her back. She was angry... Sam let Quackity kill her kid.

"I want them out. I don't want them at my sons funeral." She said in a cold tone, Puffy looked like she was about to kill someone. Punz and Purpled got their swords out and made the two of them leave, Phil was comforting Puffy.

She looked at the bench trio, "Are you guys gonna cause any problems?" Her voice was still cold, She was done with these people who hurt her duckling. They all shook their heads, Tommy was honestly scared of Puffy at the moment.

"Good." She said as she turned back around. Puffy sighed... and her face was back to complete sorrow and sadness. She walked up to the grave, Everyone looked really worried... They are scared for Puffy..

Puffy looked at the mask and placed right in front of his grave "I'm so sorry Duckling..." She put her hand on the grave "I should have visited you.." She covered her mouth to quiet her sobs...

"Maybe then I would have seen how much pain you were in..."

Puffy then held up the raincoat and smiled at it, It was a sad smile... Not her usual happy cheerful smile everyone knows and loves. She rested it against her head before standing up and standing right in front of the grave, She swung the coat to the back of the Grave and hung in onto it.

As the mother was about to leave, She put her head against the grave and softly head butted it like her little duckling used to do to her when he was young.

"I failed you... Little Duckling..."

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