The fall of the SMP |part two|

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It was weird... One moment Wilbur, Techno, Schlatt, And even Ranboo- Controlled Ranboo... But still Ranboo.- we're all being chased. Then when a message showed up from Wilbur, it all stopped. Everyone stopped.

They all changed in that moment and instead of chasing the 'villains'. They ran back towards the land they have all fought over. When they were close enough in range, all they could hear was the loud booming of TNT exploding and land collapsing.

The group of Techno, Wilbur, Tommy, Philza, and Sapnap stood on a hill overlooking the SMP. From where they were they could see the community house, prime church, Tubbo's old house and all the builds around that area...

They were blown to bits..

crumbled over and everything collapsed.

hills had holes in them only going further to lose stability and bring the builds on top of them crashing down.

To put it in short... It looks like a war field..

"Wilbur.. Where was he plan on igniting it from?!" Technos voice held no room for messing about, there's no way he's losing the only person who's been able to rival him. And so when the brunette starts to hesitate and stumble over his words the blood gods patience starts to run thin. "WILBUR!"


The males movements were quick and frantic, searching through messages in his communicator only to come up dry. "He didn't say!"

Techno tsked before running off without any of the others. He didn't care about the falling builds around him that could end inevitably ontop of him. He didn't care about the yells from behind him to stop. All he cared about was finding this mentally unstable homeless teletubby.

Technos hands were shaking as he clenched them, drawing blood after cutting crescent shapes in the palm of his hand from his nails.


The pinkette yelled, running up the broken down stairs to Tommy's.


He stopped looking around to L'manburg.. well even before now there was no L'manburg but now... all the grass was dead and all the vines that were once there, are now gone or burned.

Techno continued staring out looking for a sign... Finally everyone caught up. But Techno couldn't hear what they were yelling too focused on looking.

Finally seeing green that was extremely out of place...

Present time

Everyone relocated... Techno brought Dreams bruised and crumpled body, no one stopped him. No matter how insane and evil Dream was the man still deserved a burial, Wilbur had one..Hell even Schlatt had one. George and Sapnap didn't say anything the whole walk. Phil was trying to calm Puffy who kept looking at the blanket covered body in Technos arms. Tommy and Tubbo weren't the happiest with this and walked further back whispering to each other.

In full... No one dared to speak too loud, no one dared to tell Techno if they walked too long the body would start to rot and stink. All afraid of the man who just lost his rival... friend? whatever they were.

They finally reached a lone tree over looking the ocean and Techno placed the body down. And without a word started digging a hole. The only one able to move without the fear of being killed or even just a receiving a signature death glare was Phil, who walked over to help Techno. After 20 minutes they had the 6 foot hole. Techno jumped in, instructing Phil to pass Dreams body down.

The blanket fell off revealing Dream who looked like he'd been hit by a car..or 20...

Wilbur walked over with guilt in his eyes. He looked at the battered body, "hey mate..." A hand was placed on Wilbur's shoulder. "It's not your fault." Wilbur almost believed it when a snort came from Techno, A mix between a scoff and a laugh of disbelief. The pinkette covered Dreams body back up making sure to tuck the blanket under him so dirt didn't touch Dream not that it mattered now.

Techno hauled himself back up from the grave and quickly got to work to distract himself.

"Techno you wouldn't have thought about it either." Phil spoke calmly as the three started to cover the body up with the dirt, everyone else just listening.

"of course i would have." Techno sounded hurt, which wasn't an easy thing to accomplish with his mono tone voice. "Because i'm not an idiot. a moron. a simpleton. a fucking pretentious asshole." The anger could be heard along with the hurt.

"Techno.. it wasn't the plan! He- I-" Wilbur's throat tightened cutting him off.

"You what Wilbur."

"I didn't expect him to do what i did... dying with..."

"his unfinished symphony."


This is absolute shit, and really short. But i had no ideas what to write. I'm sorry! 😭 I gonna finally have time to write in a few days after christmas so if u want another part of this i can figure out what to write! :)

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