WE ARE BROTHERS! |Firefly duo angst|

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Dream and Techno were sparring and Tommy was watching. Dream and Techno both had their own specialty's in combat. Dream had lighter armour to fit his lighter body. Which helps him be able to manoeuvre, dodge and parkour.

While Techcno had more of a warriors build, and heavier armour. Which makes it perfect to just engage in the fight instead of defending.

"TECHNOOO JUST LET ME WINN YOU DUMBASS" Dream took a nice hit and fell back onto is ass. "AGH" from behind the two they could hear laughing. Tommy was laughing up a storm seeing the big and mighty server owner lose a fight is hilarious to him.



Techno helped Dream up then Dream walked over to Tommy axe in hand.


Dream had just gotten used to axes again. Hell he doesn't even own one. Tubbo had 'Nightmare' the axe literally named after a Dreamon.

Dream tossed the axe next to Tommy then walked behind him to a rock. Dream expression changed and he was more in a stressed face. "is that what you still think of me..?" Dream quietly mumbled.

The mood around the three changed from playful to cold in seconds.


"it's fine Tommy. it's not your fault"

Dream pulled out the admin panel and teleported away.

"you idiot" Techno spoke as he walked away leaving Tommy sitting in the snow alone.

"Duckling..You okay..? How was sparring?" Puffy spoke softly when she saw her baby duck teleport into the house, Purpled, Punz and Foolish were all on the couch and looked up at their older/younger adopted brother. "It was fine." the blonde ram walked right past all of them and into his room where patches was laying on his pillow.

"Hey Patches baby.." Dream smiled at the cat as she meowed and stretched herself. Dream sat on the bed and started petting the cat. "At least you don't ever judge me... Right?" The cat looked up at the blonde, purred and closed her eyes. "yeah.." Dream smiled to himself and Patches then laid back. Patches climbing onto his chest and laying there.


Dream woke up in the same position he went to sleep in. only Patches was gone. There was a knock at the door, loud enough so he could hear it but quiet so if he was still asleep.. it's wouldn't wake him.

"I'm up..." Dream spoke his voice was raspy, Puffy opened the door and smiled at the male laying on his bed.

"Did you sleep like that...?" Dream stayed quiet giving his mother his answer. She went over and sat on the bed. "Your brothers fed Patches." Puffy was managing to hold back her laughter remembering how the morning had gone.

"Well at least they tried to.." Dream looked over at her with a confused face. "She's very picky!" Puffy laughed out, Dream just smiled to himself knowing that was his cat.

"Get ready okay duckling? Then we can talk if you want!" Dream nodded, Even though he knew he didn't want to talk about anything. Puffy walked out of the room leaving the blonde alone once again.

Dream stood up then looked down at his current outfit. 'great i fell asleep in my clothes.' Dream quickly removed his jeans and replaced them with some nice grey sweatpants.

Dream left his hoodie on but made sure his mask was on right and his hood was up. The blonde walked out of the room. In the kitchen there was Purpled and Punz, Purpled was trying to make Patches stay with him. Struggling to keep her still especially after she saw Dream. And Punz who was cooking breakfast.

"OW-" Patches ran up to Dream and sat at his feet while Purpled ran to the sink "DUMB CAT!" The blonde boy quickly cleaned the cut on his hand while Dream giggled and picked up Patches.

"you'll live. you've had worse cuts." Punz and Dream just listened to Purpled start mumbling words they couldn't understand.

"Doesn't mean it didn't hurt." Was all they made out, Causing the two to go into a laughing fit.

The three of them talked, Dream held Patches until the food was ready. Then they talked while they ate. They continued talking. Well until they heard a knock at the door.

"I'll go get it!" Purpled spoke with excitement, the boy jumped from his seat then ran out of the room slamming the door.

"Minors have too much energy."

"HAH! Says you! Remember how you were in highschool?!" Punz teased the blonde.

"Shut up." Dream crossed his arms and sat back, with a pouty face.

The two sat talking for a couple minutes then they heard yelling.


Dream walked out of the kitchen into the living room and saw Puffy, Purpled, and Foolish talking with a familiar face.


Dream walked closer to the 4 people. "Oh hey... If this is about what happened at Technos with Tommy i'm sorry-"

The boy at the door cut him off "This is not about Tommy." Tubbo spoke with hatred in his voice.

"Tubs... Are you okay?" Dream whispered out, Patches ran out and sat right behind Dream. Dream touched Tubbo's arm but he just harshly brushed it off.

"You lied to me." Dream looked down at his hands hoping this isn't what he thinks. "I've lied to lots of people Tubbo..."

"But you lied..to me...." With that sentence Dream knew what the boy was talking about.

"Your my brother." Tubbo spoke with hate and sadness.

"Tubbo i'm not..your brother.." Dream stuttered out. "I don't even have horns." Dream pulled his hood down enough for the boy to see the top of his head. Tubbo looked down at a paper in his hand.

it looked like a photograph, "If your not my brother.. Explain this." Tubbo threw the photograph at Dream as tears ran down his face. The blonde masked male stayed quiet for a minute then bent down to pick up the picture. Dream moved his mask so it was above his mouth. In the photo there were three people. Dream, his father...and Tubbo.

Dream...Jschlatt...and Tubbo.

A messed up family, who never had the chance to fix things together. Because one night Dream was sentenced to something worse then death...

after getting beaten Dream got kicked out of the house. half dead

"We aren't brothers Tubbo."

Everyone looked at Dream with a confused look, they just saw photo as proof!

"Dream...You said you didn't have a family now they found you! And your saying he isn't family?" Puffy tried to reason even if she didn't want to let her duckling go not again..

"But we aren't family. We haven't been since i was 8." Dream quickly looked over to Tubbo. "When I was disowned for taking responsibility for your shit." Dream growled out and walked to the door to his room, But stopped for a second.

"We aren't family. We are nothing a like...the only thing that's the same are these stupid horns."

"And our last names."

I finished this in class 😭 it's so boring!

Dream angstDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora