One missed phone call|Dreambur angst|Remake|

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(Mentions over suicide, Mentions of overdosing, swearing)

One missed phone call can do a lot...

Wilbur was at a meeting with some of the other DreamSMP memebers including Tommy, Tubbo, Niki, Techno,Phil, Quackity, Sam George and Sapnap. They were speaking about an important matter that 'needed to be solved'

"Dream is still out there." Tommy scowled "And if he stays away it wont be a problem." Phil speaks calmly while Techno and Wilbur shared a glance. "Do you two know something?" Sapnap spoke noticing the look. "No of course not. I haven't seen him since I blew up L'manburg-" Wilbur chuckled out, "That has to be a lie..." George spoke just above a whisper. "It's not! I haven't seen him. But GHOSTBUR" Wilbur just smirked knowing they would probably believe him.

After a few minutes of talking everyone laid off on the two. "Hey Wil can I borrow your communicator for a minute?" Tommy questioned, His had broken in the last fight he had with Dream. And well... The admin is the only one who can fix the communicators. With Dream being MIA, and not on the best terms with most the DreamSMP members. He wont be getting a new communicator for a while.

"Uhh Sure?" The brunette handed his communicator to Tommy. The blonde started looking through stuff that had happened in the past month or two..Well..That was until he started getting a call on it.

Call from....Dream.

Wilbur reached to try to grab the communicator but instead ended up knocking it out of the blond boys hands. It landed on the ground and it turned off, battery's rolled on the ground. Tommy thought to himself 'battery's? I didn't even know they ran off battery's. I thought it was... some sort of.. magic?- no. that's stupid.'

Tommy reached down and put the battery's in, the communicator slowly turning back on. It was when Tommy was about to hand the communicator back that the name he saw finally registered. Tommy quickly jerked his hand back. "Tom! What the hell? Give me my communicator!"

"Why was Dream calling you Wil?!" That caused Phil and Techno to have a look of panic, while everyone else was angry and disappointed. Niki was just upset Dream not Techno trusted her enough with this... "Wilbur do you have something to tell us?" Sam spoke his voice deep and monotone, not as much as Technos tho.

"uhh-" Wilbur's eyes darted around the room looking at everyone's faces. There was a feeling in his stomach... One that he hated more then the fucking limbo. "Tommy I really need that! I will explain everything after!" Tommy had a sceptical look, But passed the communicator over. He kinda had to trust him... Wilbur was his brother. That means more then Dream right? Wilbur got up and walked a bit just so no one could look at what he was typing.

Wilbur quickly typed out a small messy message and sent it, not waiting for a response.

'can't talk, call later?'

Wilbur moved swiftly back to the table moving closer to Phil and farther from Tommy. "Okay. Explain now." Quackity spoke with so much hate that just hearing it should have killed someone.

Wilbur was walking to the house Dream had been staying in. The male hadn't responded to Wilbur's message which made the feeling in his gut worsen. It was left on seen.. but no reply. Wilbur picked up his pace. Little did he know he had someone trailing him. All the worry filled Wilbur's head that he couldn't hear the footsteps behind him.

Wilbur reached the house. He stopped for a second and looked at the house. The longer he looked the worse he felt so he quickly stormed into the house. "DREAM?!" Wilbur ran into the kitchen and saw a not even half eaten sandwich... 'Dream really lost his appetite after prison...' A memory went through Wilbur's mind.. He cooked everyday for Dream, And in return.. the food he made, Dream only took a couple bites then left it to go throw that little bit of food back up..

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