Take care of him... |Dreamnoblade angst|

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"Hey kid where's your dad?"


Techno stayed quiet just staring at Ranboo 'is that not what i said...?omgg kids are so difficult' was the only thing he could think about, "yes..Where is your.....'papa'"

"Hes talking with uncle Sapnap and uncle George!" The mention of Dreams ex's name always bothered him. Sapnap he didnt mind it was a bit annoying when he and Dream would flirt with eachother but Sapnap has always flirted with Dream and hes with Karl and Quackity? Not too sure anymore honestly, Lets just say its complicated...

"He said it was very important..." Technos eyebrows furrowed at that statement, "important....? hmm." With just that techno then started to walk away when Connor yelled once more "Mr.Blade...Is something wrong with my papa?" the boys voice sounded like it was breaking like he was about to have a mental breakdown.

-Technoblades POV-

"Mr.Blade...Is something wrong with my papa?" I looked at the kid of course I had a surprised look, I mean.. Dream always tried his hardest to keep Connor out of all this. All of the war and fighting he never even told his kid why the 'bad' people are after him.

I guess its something I admire about the blonde, He may be the 'villain' in the SMP hell so am I so i'm not one to talk. or think.. I DON'T KNOW! But Dream always tries to keep people out of trouble and harms way. Not the people hes fighting of course, they are always either almost dead or well- Dead. And keeping his kid out of it is honestly pretty cool, if me and probably him had the choice to not have been fighting at such a young age we wouldnt either, well I know I wouldn't. Thanks to the voices that didnt happen though.

"No Connor.. Nothing is wrong with your dad." Connor looked at his hands as I was going to walk away again "Is he in trouble...?" I turned around for the last time and sighed "I don't know Connor....I don't know" I walked out of the door before the kid could ask anymore questions. 'I swear what did this greenman get himself into now...? ugh.' I started my way to kinoko kingdom. I haven't been there but it might be the syndicates next target. I passed by Tommy's house in a hurry, but of course he had to see me "BIG T!" The blonde ran out of the house and right up to me... 'This better be quick'

"Are you able to practice with my today? orrr do you know where Dream is?" I sighed. "I'm going to find Dream right now Tommy." I mentioned in a monotone voice, "Oh pog! Can I come along? Dream told me we could practice like weeks ago! and that greenman is gonna keep his promise!" Tommy chuckled. I couldn't focus much more worried about Dream and why he would be at kinoko kingdom. "Sure whatever but we have to hurry." I started walking again, Not hearing footsteps behind me I smiled. That was until I heard running behind me. Great....

I didn't slow down my pace at all and just continued walking forward even when Tommy asked why I was in a hurry and why it was sooo important to be there quickly. "Blade- why- are you walking so fast.?" I just made a low growling noise. "I don't trust George anymore." Tommy looked at me even more confused and picked up his pace to somewhat match mine "whats wrong with gogy?" I didn't answer him and just walked. Tommy, understanding walked faster along with me. We walked in silence.

We started coming up onto the kingdom, seeing the big dragon statue and all the huge buildings and a huge mushroom? Yup. It's a mushroom.

"Oh i've been here before! With Drista!" Tommy laughed out I'm guessing, remembering what he did with Drista here. I looked over at Tommy with a confused look, But of course I didn't get a response. The child just giggled.

As we were getting closer I started to hear the voices of a couple people, Thanks to my 'piglin nature...' as Dream calls it.

"Why can't you just stay out of problems that don't concern you!"

"It does concern me! You guys were messing with Tubbo's son!"

"That was a while ago."


Dream was definitely angry... This dude never yells unless he had to. He raises his voice! But barely yells.

"what are they talking about?" Tommy asked clearly confused and worried after hearing his friends name.

"I'm not a hundred percent sure..."

As we approached what i thought was the three.. There ended up being a couple others... well two.. others.

Let's just say after prison the feral boys finally all met up.. Quackity looked angry. But I knew Dream could hopefully fend for himself. The only reason I started walking faster was I watched as Quackity pulled out an axe and clenched it.

But before I could get to Dream....

Quackity stabbed him...

Dream fell to the floor, with the axe still in his chest. I ran as fast as i could kneeling in front of my rival/friend. "DREAM!" But instead of a normal response to being stabbed. Dream just smiled... And pulled the axe out causing more blood to start coming out.

"Heh...I guess my luck has run out... I fooled death to many times."

Tommy kneeled beside me, and the rest of the feral boys? What great friends they are. They left. After one of the members just stabbed the literal admin of the server.

"Techno..." I looked back and Dream, For once I was struggling to speak to him. "Y-Yes...?"

"Promise me one thing.." The blonde in front of me wasn't smiling anymore, instead had a serious look. "anything dream..." Tommy looked at me with a knowing look.

All three of us knew. Dream wasn't surviving this... He's on his last life.


"Stay with him... Don't let him be alone again." Dream smiled once more at the mention of his sons name. "He was alone for so long..I finally found him. He doesn't deserve to be orphaned all over again"

As much as I wanted to stay no.. This was a dying mans wish.. And it's not just any man. This is the same person who would fence with me, the person I had to stay up to late ours with so he could pass tests back in highschool. The man that i broke out of prison.

I closed my eyes for a brief second then spoke "of course Dream.. I'll get Phil to help to." I smiled at him. He laid his head onto my chest.. and slowly drifted away.

"Please just take care of him.Take care of everyone..."

I'm honestly not sure how I feel about this story. I didn't plan it out so I was just writing as i went which is also why it took so long-..other then school💀💀

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