The wedding... | Dundy Angst |

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Dream was Getting ready in his dress room. He had the minors and his mama, Puffy was as proud as any mother would be! The minors were happy but they still didn't want him to marry Fundy. They were just protective "I can see the looks your giving me." Dream laughed out which caught the attention of the kids, As Dream turned around the white dress spun around with him, He grabbed five flower crowns and brought them over.

He took a flower crown with light and dark purple tulips and placed it on Purpled's head, he smiled and moved to a dark green and yellow rose crown and placed it on Tubbo's head. He then took a red and white rose crown and put it on Tommy's head, And for the second to last flower crown he took one with Royal blue and purple rose crown and Put it onto Ranboo's head. They all looked in the mirror and giggled Dream walked up behind them all and placed a Flower crown with white and yellow flowers on his own head "Will this make you guys any happier?" Dream smiled "We all have flower crowns now!" Dream patted Tubbo's head and they all hugged Dream "If that fox bastard hurts you though I'm killing him." Tommy mumbles while hugging Dream still. All the kids nodded their heads agreeing Puffy could be heard laughing her ass off in the background "Y'Know I can handle myself right guys?" Dream said trying not to show fear in his voice 'How can literal children be scarier then huge enderdragon?!' "Of course you can! But we like protecting you~!" Purpled laughed while talking in a sing-song voice. Everyone in the room was having a fun time just laughing together.

~Meanwhile with the fiancé~

"IF YOU LAY A FINGER ON DREAM I WILL NOT HESITATE TO CHOP YOUR HEAD OFF!" Fundy was in the corner with a chair in front of him while Philza and Wilbur were attempting to hold back Techno "TECHNO YOU CANT KILL HIM!" Wilbur yelled "HES MY SONNN!" he cried Phil and Wilbur were having a hard time keeping Techno away from the poor little fox hybrid. All of a sudden the door opened revealing Punz "Techno i'm going to check up on dream, Puffy said he is finally done. You gonna come?" Punz gave a quick death glare to Fundy then looked back at Techno. "Yes." He said plainly. He stopped fighting which caused Wilbur and Phil to fall backwards both grunting when they hit the ground.

Punz and Techno were walking down the hall to get to Dreams room "Don't worry I want to kill him to." Punz said while opening the door. To their surprise Tubbo and ranboo were braiding a bit of Dreams hair while he was talking with the four and Puffy in the corner crying about the cuteness of the whole situation. "Who Fundy?" Tommy asked as his eyes lit up. "Heh?" Dream looked unamused "Where's Niki? She's better then all 6 of you combined." Dream said which made everyone look at him. "Better then me?" Tubbo looked at Dream with puppy dog eyes, "No No No! Of course not!" Dream hugged Tubbo

~ At the wedding ~

Hbomb and Niki were Dreams bridesmaids...Literally Hbomb was wearing a maid outfit... The minors were was the flower boy's..?The flower children? (I don't know you get the point) Wilbur was the marriage officiant, And Eret was Fundys groomsman. The wedding went pretty well at the beginning the kids wore the flower crowns while throwing flowers at people. The whole flower. Fundy was extremely nice until he forgot one major thing Dream shared with him..

"Cmon Dream you gotta smile during the vows..." Fundy whimpered his ears went down to show he was sad. This triggered something for Dream. He hadn't been told to smile since he was a kid...When he was manipulated and-....Dreams eye brows furrowed and his plain expression turned into a frown. Dream backed up to stand closer to Niki and held himself to keep himself from having a break down. The teenagers realized something was wrong with their brother figure. Dream held it together until they got to the objection part. George looked like he wanted to object, Not for the same reason and Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, and Purpled did though. He was jealous even after rejecting Dream time and time again. So before George could say anything the fear and anger in Tommy was growing he quickly stood up and yelled "I OBJECT!"
Everyone stared at Tommy they were all confused and Sapnap was angry that he ruined the wedding, But Dream had tears in his eyes and he was smiling. Tommy felt awkward until he saw Dream smiling and he knew he did the right thing, The rest of the minors stood up and all crossed their arms showing they all stood with Tommy. "Tommy what are you doing?!" Phil whisper yelled, "Dream looked uncomfortable." Tommy said confident in his actions. Tubbo walked over to the stage and held his hand out for Dream to follow, Everyone was now looking at Dream to see if he would leave or stay with Fundy. And to everyone's surprise he jumped off the stage and hugged Tubbo. He dragged Dream with him and the other 3 followed behind. "WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED WE DIDNT EVEN GET TO READ OUR VOWS!" Fundy yelled he was mad and heart broken.

Dream was in the dressing room crying into Ranboo's chest, Tubbo was rubbing Dreams back and Purpled and Tommy were right by his side too. "T-Thank you T-Tom.." Tommy just nodded his head. Dream only ever said Tom when he was serious otherwise he would call him Tommy or Thomathy. "What happened?" Purpled asked "J-Just some bad memories from when I was a kid... He told me to s-smile...I-I know it's stupid but..I just had a b-breakdown." Dream mumbled. Dream was shorter then almost all the people in that room the only person he was taller then was tubbo who is 5'5. Dream waited out the wedding in the dressing room not daring to come out till everyone had left. Once he thought everyone had left he slowly opened the door and walked out. The sound of high heels clicking in the empty halls. He stopped at the door and held himself he looked back at the podium then at his feet. Dream zoned out, He couldn't hear the footsteps behind him. One single tear fell from Dreams eyes before he wiped it off. He put his arms back down to hug himself when all of a sudden someone from behind him gave hims bear hug. He could tell this person was tall. "H-Huh?" Dream turned around in the persons arms and looked up. "Wil?" Wilbur was hugging Dream and had his head in Dreams neck "I-I'm sorry about the wedding... I know that Fundy is y-your son..." "Mhm.." Dream blushed a bit when he felt the breath in his neck. 'This is so wrong...This is my ex fiancé's dad...' Dream pushed Wilbur away. "Tell Fundy I truly am sorry..." And with that Dream walked away leaving another man standing alone. Great....

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