SHUT UP |Platonic Disc Duo|

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Everything around dream turns dark. Voices... Lots of voices... saying very bad things. Dream knew he was with Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Techno, Sapnap, Philza, and Niki but he couldn't see them...He starts mumbling incoherent words trying to get the voices to shut up.

There was a figure right in front of him it started to whisper more hurtful things to him.

'You annoy everyone around you.'

'No one likes you they all just pity you.'

'You have manipulated all of them why would they care for you?'

'You should leave. They don't want you.'

'Techno doesn't love you.'

'Tommy despises you.'

'Sapnap is only your friend so he can use you.'

The voices continued on telling him about all the SMP members.


Dream felt himself hit something...Then all of a sudden light came back.. He could see everything again. He could see Techno.. He was holding his face..He hit techno... "Dream?" Niki spoke with her soft voice, She sounded worried to everyone else but to Dream he though she sounded angry and disappointed.

"Dream what was that for?" Technos monotone voice hurt Dream for some reason. He hated the thought of Techno being mad at him.. Thinking that Dream has betrayed him..

Dream was almost in tears. He didn't want the others to hear him cry or sob. So he decided on just running off...

"DREAM!" Tommy yelled. Tommy ran after, Tommy and Dream had worked things out privately. Everyone was confused when Tommy ran after him they all still think that the two hated each other


Tubbo tried to run after him but Ranboo stopped him. "Your not gonna catch him." Tommy was already gone after Dream.

"DREAM STOP RUNNING!" That sentence... That's scared Dream more then anything. That sentence that was said to him many times... Manhunts... Running from fights... Escaping prison. And when he ran from him and Fundy's wedding...

"Dream please stop!" Dream booked it towards a tree, He knew it was a bigger jump then Tommy usually does so maybe he won't be able to get him! Dream made the jump and climbed to the highest branch he could. "Dream!"

Dream looked down at Tommy... He looked worried.. "Dream were friends! You can trust me."

"I manipulated you many times...It's all lies.. Your lying. It's fake." Dream repeated that over and over again worrying Tommy even more.

"No no no! Dream I trust you! You helped me fix the friendship between Me, Ranboo and Tubbo!" Tommy had tried to reason "You helped me not be jealous of their platonic marriage! Showed me we could all be friends still!" He cried out. Dream was slowly wanting to come down, 'Maybe...Tommy is a real friend? No... But. No one else followed me.. Only..Him..."

Dream jumped to a lower branch and crouched there instead of sitting. "Why didn't anyone else follow me..?" It was just a question he needed an answer to. "Well.. Tubbo tried to follow me.. The rest were all extremely surprised." Dream looked down at his hands.

"Was Techno okay...?" Dream mumbled out, Tommy had a slight smile on his face. "He's fine." Dream jumped down. Dream stood in front of Tommy. All of a sudden Tommy pulled Dream into a hug. "I care about you Dream. Your just as much of a brother to me as Ranboo is." Dream giggled. The two sat down together at the tree and acted like nothing even happened. "I thought you said he's the mom of the group."


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