No Escape. |part two|

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Phil was pissed sure.. But he wouldn't commit any crimes.. right?

Tonight the SBI house was...busy you could say. Phil was upstairs making coffee for Dream and Techno who were on the couch. Dreams wings were healing...just very. very slow. Phil treated Dream like his kid. Dream didn't mind was kinda nice! They took care of him and there was a warm bed to sleep in, - BUT DREAM IS NOT HOMELESS. He has made that veryyyy clear - and he got 3 meals a day! Tommy was being his energetic self, Dream suggested he go to the greater SMP to retrieve some 'very important' items. Everything seemed normal! except the man i'm their basement....

okay...Phil may have committed a very SmAlL crime. just some... minor kidnapping! mannapping? - THAT DOESNT MATTER - The man was tied up and knocked out. From a small glance you would assume he was dead. But the creeper hybrid in the basement was fine! Phil's thought were... 'he thinks it's okay to break a bird hybrids wings? then it's okay to harvest gunpowder from him, - don't ask how that works... - and grow their TNT collection!' Dream was big on TNT, whether it be to give to Wilbur, or you know... just to have! Just like Quackitys visits to Dream, It was time for Phil and Technos visit to Sam!

The two climbed down the ladder, They had quickly dug out a room. Not putting much effort into it. It didn't need to look pretty. The prison sure wasn't. Techno walked up to Sam and stood right in front of him. He looked back at Phil and just smirked. "He's not awake yet." Phil shook his head and laughed, "Go right ahead." Techno had done this with Tommy when he was younger just to scare him. And still to this day it scares the young blond boy. Techno took his sword and let it drag across the floor, He scratched out a pentagram on the floor around the - hostage is such a... unneeded word. We will call him... their experiment? - experiment. Techno placed candles and made sure each on was lit up. On his way back around to Phil, Techno made sure to kick the chair to wake Sam up.

Said male shot awake as soon as he felt he was gonna fall. He looked around to see Techno holding a book, and there were candles... "Techno..." Sam spoke with fear lacing his voice. "what is this...?" Sam looked around and noticed the things around him which caused him to start freaking out.

Techno let the male have a panic attack for a minute. watching the fear in his eyes, "Oh nothing! Just thought I would have a little fun. Like you did when watching Quackity torture Dream." "Was it also fun when you shattered his bones yourself" Phil cut in "Did you enjoy that?" Techno followed, "Did it make you feel powerful?" "Did you feel like a god?" Sam kept shaking his head. All of a sudden they heard a trap door shut and foot steps coming down. Their were feet and white wings that hung, right away recognized as Dream. "Dream! What are you doing down here?" Dream just whimpered and walked up to Techno. He wrapped his arms around Technos waist and pushed his head into Technos back making Phil almost die of cuteness overload.

The muscles in Dreams wings strengthened and he could lift them by themselves without touching them, but it was still tiring and uncomfortable to hold them up or have them folded in on so they were off the ground. Sam had an extremely angry look on his face. He kicked his shoe off which ended up hitting Dream in the wing, The blond holding his wing wincing in pain. Techno and Phil's head snapped over to the male tied to the chair. "Okay. SHOE PRIVILEGES GONE!" Phil sneered as he walked up to Sam and ripped his other shoe off his foot.

"You know you guys have to let him go eventually..." Dream mumbled which caused Phil to scoff and laugh. but when he stopped he saw Dream was serious...

"Fine... After today." Phil smiled. Dream couldn't help but chuckle and shake his head.


Sorry if it sucks i really didn't know what to write 😅

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