Why dont you love me?!

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Dream was walking down the prime path at a slow pace... He wanted to delay this meeting as much as possible. Dream was wearing his usual attire. His dirty and ripped green hoodie, A black cloak that Philza made him. He had the hood up to hide his ears. He had his armour on.. Dream has many enemies, So he has to be careful...Dream had black combat boots and his axe in his hand. Then no one can forget his signature white smile mask that was just above his mouth at the moment.

Dream had a meeting with Tubbo, Quackity, Tommy, Fundy, and Ranboo. He was told the Phil, Techno, and Wilbur will be there too.

Wilbur had once admitted his feelings to Dream. But he couldn't reciprocate the feelings... It was impossible for him. He had told himself after...The accident... That he wouldn't let himself get close with anyone else. Not again.

He was right outside L'manburg, Or... What's left of it. He raised his hand to his mask and pulled it down. Then started walking towards the eight people on the other side of the big hole in the ground. Dream lowered his head. The first to notice the male walking up was Wilbur. Even after rejecting him, He was still always so happy to see Dream. That's what hurt the male the most. How people still care for him after he's been cold to them.



One sounded happy...The other was angry. He knew exactly where this conversation is gonna go... Dream stopped walking once he wasn't next to anyone. He had his back against a wall. Dream never let anyone behind him, You could say the man has trust issues from being stabbed in the back a lot. Literally.

"Yes. I'm here. Now go on and yell at me already.." Dreams voice was colder then any of theirs. Except Techno probably. "We aren't gonna yell at you mat-"

"WHY DO YOU SHUT EVERYONE OUT?! YOUR SO COLD YOU WEREN'T LIKE THIS WHEN I FIRST JOINED!" Of course Tommy was the one to yell. It was always him or Quackity. The others spoke softly and cold. Even his ex fiancé. Dream looked at Fundy, Who had his ears and tails down..

He understands that he hurt Fundy... Dream truly did like the male more then most people really. But he wasn't able to love him... Dream tried to but it ended in more hurt then anything... He looked back at his hands while he played with them to distract himself.

"WHY DID YOU BECOME THE VILLAIN?! DO YOU LIKE BEING EVIL!?" Now this hurt Dream. He might not be able to love or be happy. But that doesn't mean he lacks all emotions.

"Tommy." Dream stood up straight. This put everyone off, He never talked back not when they had meetings. "Who are you to decide who's the villain?" Dream crossed his arms. He knew if this turned into a fight. He couldn't fight all these people, So he can just parkour out.

"How is it that you go about defining good, and evil?" Dream out his axe away so they could all calm down a bit. "Are you scared of me because my brothers a god? He doesn't like me anyway Tommy. He won't do anything for me." Dream leaned back against the wall. "All i'm trying to say.. Think about who the real villain in this story is before you go pointing fingers at people like me... And Techno even." Dream was about to throw an ender pearl until-

"IM YOU BROTHER TOO!" Dream could recognize that voice... He's heard it through his whole life until he turned 14. At that point they were separated... "I saw all the photos papa has!" Dream turned around to see Tubbo right behind him almost in tears. "I'm your brother...And you don't love me.." He sighed.. He never meant to hurt Tubbo. "Toby... Just stop."

"See! I've never told you my real name! Your my brother!" This was worse then any torture Dream was put through.

"Toby I can't explain it. Dad knows. Ask him about it all" Dream started walking away, He heard sobs from the boy. He was about to leave..- Again. But the boy yelled,

"WHY CAN'T YOU JUST CARE ABOUT ME EVEN A TINY BIT?! I THINK I DESERVE THAT AT LEAST!" Philza was holding the brunette boy trying to calm him down. Dream was stood still at the end of the hill. He clenched his fists, He could feel blood dripping from his palms but he didn't care at the moment.

"Dream? Why don't you just stay for a moment?" Phil said with a calm voice.

"I can't Phil." That sentence made so many people angry...

"You say that all the time!" Fundy yelled. Dream never thought Fundy would yell at him like that... It made the male flinch. "Before running out of the wedding you said 'I can't love you'... WHY CANT YOU DREAM?!"

"BECAUSE I HAD HANAHAKI" This shocked everyone. Everyone was frozen except one person. Techno walked over to Dream, He turned him around and hugged him, pulling Dream into his chest. Dream hasn't let himself cry in years now.. It was a weakness. But being in his rivals arms somehow made his feel safe. They were similar in many ways, Techno knew what to do because Phil did this for Techno once.

Techno rubbed Dreams back, And Dream just cried. Everyone here finally saw the real Dream. He was a broken man..

Who couldn't love anyone. Not even his own brother...

 Not even his own brother

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This one is pretty short. I got the idea while I was watching some video it explained hanahaki.

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