Why don't you love me?! |Part 2|

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(Art belongs to DJ Cupcake on Tumblr)

The group say in silence, Quiet sobs from Tubbo who was crying into Phil's shoulder. Dream was hiding his now unmasked face in Technos shoulder. No one dared to speak nor could they... The server owner finally opened up a tiny bit, And it wasn't about something anyone can just laugh off. Not even Tommy.

It took 5 minutes for someone to finally speak up.

"Dream...?" the group heard a small sniffle from the blonde male before he turned around to put his mask back on properly. "Yes..?" He spoke with a cold tone once again.

"You said... You 'had'.. as in past tense...?" Fundy questioned, Dream just nodded his head, Feeling like if he spoke his voice would break. "So you actually chose the surgery?"

"What else was I supposed to do?! I wasn't gonna let Tubbo watch his brother die." Dream had a sneer in his voice, That's question made him mad.. "So you would rather loose the capability to love?" Fundy pushed some more.

"Over dying and making Tubbo loose the last family he has? YEAH I WOULD RATHER NEVER LOVE AGAIN." Dream still was sniffling back sobs while he stomped away, "Great going Fundy." Tommy spoke quietly, But Phil elbowed him. "OW!" Fundy glared at Tommy "I didn't know what to say! At least I said something!" Fundy crossed his arms. "Your acting like a child." Tommy chuckled out.

"Says the 16 year old." Fundy hissed.


"you all are being idiots!" Ranboo yelled and left to go after Dream.

"Dream?" Ranboo walked up to Dream who had his head against a tree. Dream quickly covered his face with his mask then turned to Ranboo. "Oh he-" Dream cleared his throat. "Hey Ranboo..." He hugged himself, "They were being quite dumb.. And wouldn't leave it be..So i'll apologize for them.." Ranboo's voice was soft. "Ranboo it wasn't the fact they kept asking about it. It's the fact i've grown such a reputation that people would think I would let myself die so I could stop my pain. When it would just cause some others pain."

Ranboo looked at Dream with sad eyes. "I was 17 when I got the surgery..." Dream stated which shocked the enderman hybrid, "So Tubbo was only 12?" Dream nodded his head at the male. "I wasn't going to leave Tubbo not with no parents...no family."

"I was 7 when our father left. Then 9 when our mom died. Living without a parent is...Stressful." Dream had a sad giggle at the end. "Im starting to think... Maybe I should have let that stupid disease end me." Dream sat down against the tree. "It's done more harm then good." He hugged his knees to the chest. "What flower did you have..?" Dream looked up at Ranboo.

"Funny enough... It was actually a blue rose." The first person that came to Ranboo's mind when Dream said that flower was George. And Dream noticed the look Ranboo had. "It wasn't George Ranboo..." Dream smirked, "I barely knew him at 17, I knew Nick but I never told him about it..." Ranboo had a confused look, "Nick is Sapnap." Dream giggled. Not many people on the SMP liked to use their real names, Some people don't even share them at all.

Ranboo went over and sat next to Dream, After about 30 minutes Tommy and Tubbo came and joined them, "Ranboo?" Tommy whispered out realizing Dream wasn't moving. "Is he dead?!" Ranboo shook his head quickly. "Sleeping.." Ranboo said tiredly. Tubbo ran and hugged Dream and snuggled into his side. Tommy just giggled and joined them.

The group of four fell asleep under that tree, Passing SMP members would of course awe at it and take photos.

Not all stories come to a bad end I guess... Or do they?

Dream angstHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin