Do you love me...? | Part 2 | DNF and Dreambur Angst|

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-Dreams POV-

I didn't get anymore sleep that night. I couldn't sleep, Everytime I went to sleep I felt like I was suffocating. I'm hoping Lani listened to me... I forgot to flush the toilet! I had Patches laying on my chest while I was petting her, She can tell something is wrong... And Ranboo's crazy theory isn't sounding so crazy to me anymore.. I really don't want this to be true.. There's only three ways out of this... And one isn't possible the other two suck.. I guess i'll have to play this out..Maybe I can talk to someone about it? But.. Who?

~Later when everyone was at the beach~

Ranboo and Tubbo told me to wait at the road so they could make it even more of a surprise I was wearing Cargo pants and A sleeveless black turtles neck with my hoodie around my waist. I brought shorts but I doubt i'm going swimming, Patches would let me leave unless I brought her so I brought her. But she has to wear a harness and a leash which she absolutely hates.

She was sitting on my foot because the pavement is hot on her paws. I had taken my fingerless gloves off for now so I could pet Patches properly, I also made sure to bring a few waters. And i'm lucky I taught her to drink from the water bottle, Well kind of. Whenever she needs something she'll paw at me so I know then I have to figure it out from there.

I was crouched down with patches still sitting on my feet and I was just petting her when everyone came over to me "BIG D?!" Tommy screamed which made me fall on my ass a uncomfortable grunt leaving me. I glared at him since I didn't have my mask on. "FACE REVEAL!" Wilbur yelled, I sighed and chuckled a bit while shaking my head. I picked Patches up then stood up myself and walked closer to them "Your not the first to see my face don't feel special." I laughed when Tommy crossed his arms. "Hey Dream! Tubbo is going to get food from the car! Do you want anything you didn't eat this morning...!" As soon as Ranboo said that I got worried glances from everyone. "Yeah big man. You said you weren't hungry but your stomach has been growling.." Tubbo added to Ranboo's point. I didn't need them to tell me, I know I was lying to them. But what am I supposed to say?! Oh I have a disease that hasn't been seen in decades and I could die between 2 weeks - 3 months, If lucky it could take 18 months, But i'm never lucky in life...

"I'm fine guys I promise! If I get hungry I'll eat. But can you grab Patches something?" Patches just ate before we got to the beach but I need something to change the topic... Patches looked at me like she wanted to kill me. I just chuckled and pet her head.

10 minutes later Me and Wilbur were sitting together watching Tubbo and Tommy have a fight against Jack and Ranboo. I'm betting on Ranboo and Jack, Wilbur thinks Tommy and Tubbo have a chance. The teams were unfair, Tommy and Tubbo are so chaotic together. And sometimes it's good for competitions but this one you need to balance which means being calm would be much better. We had bet 50 pounds on the fight or 69 US dollars hehe funny number.

In the end I won the money, And Wilbur kept complaining about it. While the others were walking back, I felt the same way I felt this morning. So I covered my mouth and quickly gave Wilbur Patches... "Hold her for a minute please!" As I was saying that J was running away. I ran behind a building and I started throwing up blood and yellow petals. Without me noticing Patches had broke free from Wilbur and followed me which made all of the others chase her, Worried about what I would do if they lost her.

I was bent over holding my stomach when one of them decided to speak up... "D-Dream..?".... It was Tommy..

I closed my eyes wishing this was a dream.. Then I felt Patches paw at my arm.. She wanted to be pet. I wiped my hand off... There was blood on it from when I started coughing blood. I was now petting Patches still not daring to make eye contact with any of them. Someone walked up behind me.

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