Fathers day |Part two|

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"Boo?" Dreams voice sounded surprised, He quickly stood up. Ranboo smiled and nodded. The taller boy ran over and hugged Dream. "I-I didn't think you wanted to see me..." Dream whispered, "Not after..." Dream looked up at Ranboo it was a bit odd having your son way taller then you. but they got used to it. more like Dream got used to it...

"Of course I wanted to see you." The two sat down, to talk. one thing Ranboo always used to love was braiding Dreams hair. They would sit down and talk and the blond would let him style his hair.

"Shouldn't you be with you kid?" Dream questioned as Ranboo was styling his hair. "Micheal. and no, Tubbo brought him to the nether for today. Micheal wanted to visit." Ranboo smiled, while Dream nodded with an extremely happy smile. "And...Phil talked to me." Ranboo spoke, Dream remembered the conversation he had with the SBI family "Grandpa didn't come...did he?" Ranboo whispered, He remembered being introduced to the man as a kid. Even that brief meeting, Ranboo could tell he didn't have much time for Dream.

Once Ranboo was done playing and styling Dreams hair he sat down near L'Dog, He was still surprised Tommy let Wilbur give L'Dog to Dream, Well.... Maybe he doesn't know. "I- Don't really know what to do today.." Dream admitted awkwardly. And the enderman hybrid couldn't help but giggle. "We could go for a ride on the horses? bring L'Dog. they could probably use some exercise." Dream looked down at patches who was sleeping soundly by the fireplace keeping warm. The blond giggled. "Yeah. That would be nice!" Ranboo spoke softly as to not scare the animals. The two stood up and walked outside. Dream was a bit worried that now it was a bit later... some of the family's may have parted ways. Sam and Quackity still wanted the male back in prison. And Sapnap is still determined to keep his promise.

Dream took a deep breath then walked outside to Ranboo, He had Bumkin half tacked up. So Dream helped him with the rest. Spirit was riden bareback ever since he was revived. Once Bumpkin was tacked up, Dream helps Ranboo up by holding the horse and fix the stirrups. Ranboo had very long legs..- Then Dream himself jumped up on spirit, and smiled at Ranboo. "race you to that hill?" Dream giggled. and Ranboo nodded and started galloping. Dream shook his head and rode after him.

The two laughed a chuckled the whole time. Anyone who saw would've known right away that they were chill with eachother. way more then chill. Dream had caught up to Ranboo and passed him sticking his tongue out at the boy, they made it up the hill Dream beating Ranboo by only two seconds max. Ranboo jumped off while spirit was prancing around, knowing they just won the race and Dream couldn't help but laugh and pet spirits neck. Ranboo shook his head "You cheated!" Dream jumped off spirit and spoke "WHAT! I WOULD NEVER- *wheeeeze* I WOULD NEVER CHEAT." His iconic wheeze interrupting him halfway through his sentence. Ranboo crossed his arms and looked away.

The two looked down the hill and saw someone on a horse, they seemed to be following the hoof prints of the two horses who were playing with eachother a bit further from the edge. Dream had a bad feeling, while Ranboo was just curious who it was. "H-Hey Boo... I think we should-" "who's that?" Ranboo pointed at the person they were just looking at who was much closer now after trotting for a minute. "I'm not sure..." Dream looked down recognizing the armour which he always wore and the mask.. "Boo... We should really-" "Maybe they can race with us! someone who can put you in your place" Ranboo giggled.

Dream grabbed Ranboo's arm and dragged him over to the horses, "we need to leave..." Dream pointed to the horse telling the taller male to get on. Dream was holding onto the reins and Ranboo could see his hands shaking a lot.. Knowing that Dream never gets this paranoid unless it's serious grabbed the reins -as Dream switched to holding the bridal- and flipped them over the horses head, Stepping into the stirrup and pulling himself up swinging his leg over the horse. Once he was stable Dream let go and ran over to Spirit which startled them a bit. But as soon as he was sturdy on top of the horse a voice spoke...

"Dream." The father and son looked over to the voice, Dream sighed as Ranboo's heart dropped...

It was Sam...

"Dream. You know that it will be safer if you go back to the prison. people want you back there. you are a menace to the smp." Dream looked back at Ranboo who shook his head exaggeratedly- fast enough the male could have gotten whiplash- Dream gulped, he felt like there was a literal rock in his throat. "If you don't come with me i'm gonna have to kill Ranboo." now that sentence made Dream angry, "Sam.. It's father's day... Please." Sam just laughed, "You traumatized and tried to kill his platonic husband, and you tortured and traumatized his friend. How can he still see you as a father?!" Dream sighed once more and looked down as Sam reminded him of all the dumb shit be had done. Dream hopped off spirit and took the halter and lead rope he had in his satchel, He placed the halter on spirit then attached the lead rope. Dream walked spirit over to Ranboo and whispered. "It's fine... Watch over the animals?" Dream smiled. He knew his fate. Dream placed his hand on Ranboo's for one minute as a sign of love (Father/son love) Then backed away as Ranboo tried to beg for him not to but couldn't as he couldn't find the words and felt his throat was stuck.

Dream walked over to Sam and the horse he was riding, Sam jumped down and attached a rope to Dream. Then hopped back up. The blond was expected to walk behind and keep up with the horse. Ranboo found that inhumane.. of course it was. But they no longer saw Dream as a human... a villain. Monster. pure evil. The boy watched as his father was practically dragged away sometimes tripping which caused Sam to pull the rope. Spirit was freaking out as they also watched Dream leave, not really understanding.

Dream was following, He was near the remains of L'manburg. There was a stage. Quackity was standing there like he was waiting.... "Quackity...What is this?" Sam questioned. Quackity just smiled as Sam jumped down and tied his horse to a pole. He pulled the rope causing Dream to stumble. "Dreams gonna continue to escape if Techno and him still have an alliance. If we can't kill Techno without Dream getting in the way and can't ruin their alliance." Quackity smiled. "Kill Dream when no one knows!" Sams eyebrows furrowed. "No one knows you got him right?" Quackitys voice was filled with amusement. "Just Ranboo...?" Quackitys smile grew, "Who can tell Techno." Sam finished, Dream stayed quiet the feeling in his gut sinking. "Then let's hurry up!" Quackity stole the rope from Sam who didn't protest much.

They set Dream up in the middle of the stage. Quackity was behind him with an axe in hand. Quackity set up the worst death he could imagine. He had a plan... He set up another lever on the other side. And they waited... Quackity wanted this to work....

Ranboo was on spirit, struggling with the new feeling of riding bareback. He stopped in front of a stage.. Quackity leaning against a pole...Sam with his horse... And Dream..! He was keeling in the middle. "Welcome! Welcome! I had a feeling you would be coming.." Ranboo felt like crying seeing his father like this.. the only other time he saw him like this was....


The prison... He was told he had visitied more then once. But can only remember one time..

"Why- Why did you wait for me...?" Dream looked up with a broken look and shook his head. Ranboo ignored that and looked back to Quackity. "I'm gonna give you the chance to let him stay out of prison!" Quackity smiled, but it was cold...it wasn't warm like Dreams smiles... Ranboo nodded "what do i need to do...?" Ranboo walked up to the stage. Stepping up now standing infront of Quackity. "Just pull a lever!" Quackity smiled. "pick a lever and pull it." "one will do nothing. the other will...release his hands." Quackity smiled. Ranboo looked at the two levers, Deciding very quick to go with the left lever. he looked at Dream who broke eye contact looking at the floor once more. Ranboo pulled it covering his eyes. a noise was heard. One that didn't sound that promising. Then there was a splash and that same redstone sound. Ranboo looked to see the stage a bit wet and Dream gone. Fear ran through every bone in Ranboos body. He pulled the lever again and ran over to where Dream once was. He saw Dream floating there and quickly pulled him out before the machine closed again. Dream was cold and his face was blue.

Ranboo checked everywhere he could for a pulse but couldn't find one...he tried CPR. Still nothing... Sam announced that at 10:48pm on a june 19th...Dream had passed. No message popped up in the chat. The only people that knew about the death of the admin were right there...Sam, Ranboo...And Quackity...

"Happy Father's day Ranboo...~"

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