Tentpole Shangrila

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*lock on those seatbelts, my dears.....shits about to get real weird*

"Don't hog them all." Chrissy whined as she snatched the tray of brownies out of my hands. 

"I'm not!" I argued as I reached over and grabbed the rest of the brownie piece I had been snacking on. 

"Oh my god." Chrissy's eyes rolled to the back of her head as she smiled. 

"Are they really that good?" Stacy asked as she stared down at the tray. 

"They're delicious!" Chrissy exclaimed as she pushed the tray in front of Stacy. "Take one."

"Don't mind if I do." Nancy came out of nowhere and grabbed one before Stacy could. 

"Hey! Share." Chrissy scrunched up her nose at Nancy. 

"Yes, mother." Nancy rolled her eyes as she shoved the brownie into her mouth. 

"My fingers feel kind of tingly." I said as I raised my hands in front of my face. "Woah! Dude, do you see this?" I laughed as I moved my hands around in the air. They looked as if they were lagging behind, making a cool optical illusion. 

"What's your problem?" Chrissy hiccupped, making her giggle. 

"Purple Palm Tree Delight." Nancy said with a smirk before burping. 

"What?" Stacy asked. 

"I think we just ate weed brownies." Nancy whispered. 

"No we did not." Chrissy giggled as she shook her head super slowly. "No. Never. I don't do drugs!"

"I think this calls for a celebration!" I threw my pointer finger in the air as I yelled the last word. "Let's go, bitches. Follow me." I started to march away and went into the office to pull out the usual party supplies. "Oh, yeah. Guys, this is the one." I smirked as I tried to put the tape inside of the stereo. It was a long, hard process so it took me a lot longer. "Guys, can you help me?" 

When I turned over my shoulder, I noticed no one was in the room with me. That's when it hit me that I had been talking to myself the whole time, making me giggle. 

"There we go. You're such a good girl." I smirked as I shut the tape inside. I then turned up the music as loud as it could go and skipped out to the living room, plugging in the disco lights. 

"Don't, don't you want me." Nancy sang as she pulled me to the big space of the living room. "Don't you want me baby, don't you want me, oh!" I laughed and went with her dance moves as she shimmied and spun me around. 

"Let's play spin the bottle." Chrissy suggested. 

"Yes!" Nancy cheered and ran to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle and running back towards us. "Sit." She demanded all of us as she placed the bottle in the middle of our group. 

"Hey, what are you guys doing?" We all turned our heads to find Robin and Vickie. 

"Oh, my gosh! You guys have to join us!" Stacy grabbed their arms and pulled them down to sit. 

"Is this spin the bottle?" Vickie laughed nervously. 

"Yeah." Chrissy nodded with a smile.

"Why are your eyes bloodshot?" Robin asked as she leaned closer to get a better look into Chrissy's eyes in the darkness. 

"Robin! The game hasn't started yet. Don't cheat!" Nancy warned her as she pushed her back. 

"I'm not trying to play." Robin yelled over the music. "Why is it so loud?"

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