A Much Needed Girls Night

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"Please, please, please! I don't have work tonight or tomorrow." Robin begged me at the lunch table. I smiled at her and shrugged. "(Y/N), if you don't say yes to this then I may have to do something drastic."

"Are you threatening me, Buckley?" I gasped in fake shock as I put my hand on my heart for affect. 

"Yes, yes I am." Robin stated matter-of-fact. I rolled my eyes and laughed at her. 

"What did Robin do now?" Nancy asked as she sat beside me with her tray. Robin glared at her and made Nancy smirk. 

"Tell (Y/N) that she needs to let us come over for a girls night. We could get drunk and eat so many snacks! We could even watch some scary movies!" Robin threw her hands in the air to exaggerate her words, throwing her head back as she threw her tantrum. 

"A girls night does sound fun." Nancy agreed. Robin looked over at her and pointed.

"See? Even Wheeler is up for a girls night." Nancy was the one to roll her eyes this time before looking over at me to hear my verdict. 

"I guess." I smiled, trying to act like it was a big deal, but it really wasn't.  A girls night sounded perfect. I needed something to cheer me up again. I've been having trouble lately with Brandon's death, his twisted body waking me up at night in a sweat. I've had to clean my sheets so many times by now. 

Robin started going over the plans when all of a sudden I see Eddie standing on top of his table. He was talking to his friends as he stepped around their plates. He then hopped over to the next table and to the next until he met mine. Eddie then stepped onto the empty seat on the other side of me, sat down, and put his arm around my shoulders as people stared at him. 

"Hey, gorgeous." He kissed my temple, making me blush. "Wheeler, you're looking amazing as always. Robin." Eddie ended, looking at Robin and not complimenting her. 

"Ha-ha, you're hilarious, Munson." Robin's words soaked in sarcasm, making Nancy and I laugh. 

"So, what are you girls up to?" Eddie asked curiously.

"We're planning a girls night at (Y/N)'s house." Nancy informed him. 

"A girls night? So, I'm not invited?" Eddie asked, offended from no offer. 

"Well, you do look sort of like a girl. You could pass." Robin snapped back from the earlier comment from Eddie. Eddie stuck out his tongue at Robin as we laughed. 


The beginning of the night was spent talking and listening to music. Robin brought over movies and snacks while Nancy snuck over her mother's wine. 

We were in the middle of The Goonies, one of my favorite films, and playing UNO as we munched down on the snacks. It was getting late and Juliet still wasn't home from Dungeons and Dragons. I'm guessing it was a long campaign. 

"We should start a dance party." Robin blurted out of nowhere, showing us a goofy grin. She was the one who drank most of the bottle already, leaving Nancy and I with two glasses. We could tell Robin was feeling tipsy since she was very noticeably showing us her cards. She was wondering why we were playing so good.

"That does sound like a lot of fun." I admitted, looking over at Nancy. Nancy agreed after a little convincing. Robin shot up quickly and stepped back, getting her balance back before asking me to use my phone. I told her she could and started cleaning up our mess with Nancy. 

As soon as we finished, Robin came running back in giggling. I gave her a quizzical look, but wasn't able to ask as she started skipping around the house, looking for the stereo. I told her exactly where it was, but she was too excited to listen. I laughed at this and went over to the stereo and speakers that sat in the office. 

Falling for The Freak (Eddie Munson)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora