Discovering the Truth

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I left my car on the side of the road and entered into the woods. I walked and walked until I ran into a fence that had a faded sign on it. The only thing that I could read was Hawkins Laboratory. An idea popped into my head as the few remaining drops of rain hit my soaking hair from the leaves that hung high above me.  

I followed the fence line until I found where the entrance was, but it was obviously closed. Even though it was abandoned, I still scanned around for people, just in case I get caught. I didn't need to be arrested for trespassing. 

Before stepping out of the woods, I noticed a hole dug out underneath the fence beside me. I would rather take my chances with this then to be seen out in the open, so with that thought, I dropped down to the ground and tried slithering my way through. My jumper suddenly caught itself on the fence as I laid on my stomach. I reached back as best as I could, but it was really exhausting to try and unhook everything, so I yanked myself up in a fast manner, ripping the bottom half of my jumper and then my pants, leaving a gash in my skin from how deep it cut through the fabric. I winced at the pain and stood up, twisting my leg to take a look at the new open wound. It wasn't that bad, but it was starting to bleed. 

I dusted myself off and limped away from the fence. As I got closer, the building began to grow, showing off how big it really was. I scanned my area once more, making sure it was clear, and walked up to the front. I kept my head low in case of cameras as I made it to the doors. I grabbed the handles and pulled - it wasn't budging. I looked around and found a big rock. I went over and grabbed it before swinging it back then letting it go into the door with the most strength I had. I prepared myself for glass flying, but there was nothing. I looked over and saw a small crack. Damn, this is going to last a while. 

After about five minutes of throwing this huge rock at the door, I finally got the door to crack enough to see an opening. I peeked inside to find a large, empty lobby. I took a deep breath before deciding to make my next move: bust the window open with my body. So, I wrapped my right arm across my body then threw my shoulder into the glass. It worked. I was now lying on the glass shards that fell on the ground from the impact. 

I carefully stood up and wiped myself off, getting small pieces of glass stuck in my palm. I hissed and started to take them out as I walked my way around the emptiness. My footsteps echoed against the tiled floors as I began my exploring. The sunlight from outside allowed me to see just enough to know what was in front of me, but the places it didn't reach, I refused to go into. 

As I stepped deeper into the building, I noticed something on the walls. I walked closer to see what it was, but I was distracted by a noise behind me. I turned around in a panic and looked around, but there was nothing. 

"It's fine. It's probably just an animal." I whispered to myself. I took a deep breath before walking around more. I soon found some stairs and decided to climb them to the next level. My chest felt heavier the closer I got to the second floor. It was as if I was leaving all of the oxygen downstairs. 

The hallway for this floor seemed even darker than the one below. The sun was going to set soon, so I needed to quicken my mission. I started going through every door, pushing on them with fear every time, wondering if there would be something that jumps out at me. 

When I finally got to the door that said "Files" I felt a sense of relief wash through me. I walked into the mess of papers that scattered around the floor, the white sheets crunched underneath my feet. The first thing that I noticed to stand out was a flashlight that laid on the floor. I quickly grabbed it and turned it on. Thankfully, it worked, so I held it with one hand while going through the many filing cabinets with my free one. 

It felt as if an hour went by and I still couldn't find anything I was looking for. I was about to give up, but when I turned around I saw a closet door. I stood up, going to the door, and pushed the door open. It was pitch black in the room, my new flashlight was barely doing anything against the darkness. As I made my way deeper into the room, I found a pile of folders on the ground that looked messy. There was a paper shredder next to the papers as if someone was trying to get rid of the paperwork, but didn't have time to finish. I walked over to the pile and sat on the floor, already starting my search. 

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