The Waiting Game

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Eddie's POV

Steve and I arrived back to the hospital to find everyone passed out. Mike and Lucas found empty seats to lay their long bodies across as Dustin laid his head on Juliet's shoulder, her head already slumped on Max's. Nancy had her head tilted back on a different seat as Robin laid across the seats beside them, her head on Nancy's lap. It would have been a more heartfelt scene, if it weren't for the dreadful waiting. I was about to go up to Nancy to wake her up and ask about (Y/N), but Steve stopped me before I could. 

"Let them sleep, they need it." I nodded at his words, agreeing after seeing the deep sleep they all seemed to be in. "We should ask the nurse at the window if she knows anything about (Y/N)." 

We walked up to the nurse, who ignored us for a good amount of time as she gossiped with the other nurse that sat there eating a sandwich. Very unprofessional, but I'll let it pass I guess. 

"What can I help y'all out with?" The nurse asked, giving us the fakest smile I had ever seen with the thickest southern drawl I had ever heard in person. I gave her a look before speaking.

"Do you have any new information on (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?" I asked her impatiently. Hours upon hours have passed by now and I couldn't take anymore. I was getting jittery from the thought of laying my eyes on her precious smile once more. 

"Has the doctor not come out to chat with y'all yet?" She asked in confusion, tilting her head to the side for more affect. There it is again, the fake concern. She was a great actress, I'll give her that. 

"No. No one has come out to talk to us in hours, so it would be great if someone finally told us if she is alright or not." I snapped. Steve gave me a look, as if he was asking me if I was serious. He could be disappointed all he wanted, but I wanted my girl back. 

"Um, let me see." The nurse gave me a grimace before turning in her chair and leaving to find (Y/N)'s file. Her friend sat there, chewing on her peanut butter and jelly sandwich, staring at Steve and I grow even more impatient. I was about to tell her to look somewhere else, but Steve cut my thoughts off. 

"We should stay calm. I know it's frustrating, but getting mad at them isn't going to make things easier." Steve muttered to me. "If anything, I can just put my charm on and we can get this shit rolling." He waved his finger in a circular motion, emphasizing how he was going to get "shit rolling." I rolled my eyes at this, but left it alone since I seem to keep making things worse with people. 

"Here we are." The nurse came walking back over with a manila folder opened inside of her hands. She sat the folder down as she read what was on the white sheets. I decided to lean over, trying to get a look at what it said, but stopped after she looked up at me and threw her hand on her hip in an angry way. "Do you need something, sir?"

"Carole, can I call you Carole?" Steve asked, putting on his charm. He leaned his forearms onto the counter as he leaned in closer to her. The nurse blushed as she nodded shyly at Steve. "Beautiful name, by the way." Carole hit his arm, playfully, and made a noise to show she was flustered. "Carole, we just really miss our friend and want to know if she's alright. We have been sitting here for hours waiting for answers, but, sadly, nothing so far." Steve shrugged his shoulders before continuing, becoming teary eyed. "I just miss her so much and need to know if she's alive."

Carole threw her hand onto her chest as she gave Steve a good 'ole southern: "bless your heart." She then looked down at the paper before speaking to us. 

"I'm sorry, but I guess the doctors didn't tell you the news." Carole gave us an unreadable face as she looked at us. My heart stopped and I had to grab onto the counter to keep me from fainting. I felt like I was having a full blown panic attack in the matter of seconds - from the moment those words left her lips. 

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