Harrington (Pt.1)

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It's been a week and a half since I had been attacked by the "Demodogs" as Dustin calls them. If anyone tried to call them anything else, he would correct them on the spot. He's a very passionate kid. 

The day after being told about the Upside Down, and still processing all of the information, I was visited by a man who talked to me about what had happened in the Hawkins Laboratory. He made me sign documents, telling me that I wasn't allowed to disclose any information about the lab or about the things I saw. I would have thought this was all some joke if it weren't for what I just learned the day before and the fact this man brought up my parents names. 

I ignored the mans poking and prodding at my wounds as images flew by my head with one important question never leaving me alone: if my parents knew about all of the things in Hawkins, and were involved, then why the hell would they send their children to their death beds? 

I tried everything I could to distract my mind. In the hospital, Eddie wouldn't leave my side or go to school with the others. He told me that if I wasn't going to be there, then what was the point. His education and graduating are fantastic points of him going to school, but he never listened to me. Instead, Eddie read The Lord of the Rings to me every night and helped me with anything and everything I needed at the time. 

Eddie had spent the night with me last night since it was my first day back home, but he had to leave the next day to go back to the city. I never learned why he went the first time to the city or why he's going this time. He told me it was no big deal and that he had business to take care of, but should be back by tomorrow since it was Halloween. 

To distract my mind further, I had my Walkman blasting music into my headphones as I cleaned the house. Juliet had already done some cleaning before I came home, but I decided to clean it even further. It's a Friday, so I told myself that I would go back to school on Monday instead to relax a little longer. I didn't want to be bothered with questions from everybody. Nancy had brought over the homework that I missed for my classes, so I got it all done as fast as I could so that I didn't have to worry. It was all extremely easy, thankfully. 

As I washed the dishes, Everybody Wants to Rule The World by Tears for Fears came on, meaning I turned up my volume to the max. I could never get enough of this song. My body started to join in my head bobbing, forcing my hips to sway along. 

"Acting on your best behavior, turn your back on Mother Nature, everybody wants to rule the world." I mumbled the lyrics out loud as I finished the dishes. I started drying the cups and placing them into the cupboards as the chorus continued. 

After closing the cupboard, I turned around and screamed at the person standing behind me. The scare made me jump, causing my body to hurt from the broken skin that was still trying to heal. I snatched the headphones off my head and paused the song as I glared at them. 

"What the hell, Steve?" I smacked his arm playfully as he stood there in shock from my scream. 

"'What the hell, Steve?' More like, what the hell, (Y/N)?" Steve's hands rested on his hips as he looked at me in disappointment. 

"What?" I asked him.

"You're supposed to be on bed rest. Look at you!" Steve pointed out my limping as I put the last of the dishes away. I rolled my eyes at him and stopped walking to try to hide my limp. "You just got your stitches taken out." 

"Yes, I know, but I can't sit here doing nothing all day." I told him. I wasn't about to sit around after being stuck in a hospital bed, doing absolutely nothing while alone. Juliet was currently at school and was supposed to be spending the night at a friends house tonight, so she wasn't coming back home until tomorrow. 

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