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Eddie's POV

"Gareth, just get your shit and go." I was starting to get annoyed by the way he was talking to me. I have no idea what his problem is. 

"Eddie, listen to me, she's bad news." He continued. I slapped my hands onto my face and slid them down, showing Gareth how much he was getting on my nerves. "I'm serious, dude."

"And I'm serious, too." I snapped at him. "You keep disrespecting her and we're going to have issues." 

"Open your eyes, Munson! Ever since she's gotten here you've been acting different. You're distracted from the band - from Hellfire Club! You've never been like that before. She's dragging you down and you know it." Gareth glared at me, trying to seem intimidating, but I didn't feel anything but annoyance towards him. 

"She's not doing shit to me except helping me pass my classes and making me happy. Is that really a problem, Gareth?"

"You're not listening." Gareth exasperated as he paced around the living room. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, waiting for him to get whatever shit off his chest out into the world. "She kissed Steve Harrington and you let it go, you gave up on our dream to play at Marley's dad's place in the city, and I bet she's going around whoring herself off with Harrington even more."

"I highly advice you to watch what you say next." I growled. He was crossing the line now and I wasn't going to sit here and listen to more. 

"Where is she right now?" Gareth pressed. I kept my hard stare on him, not allowing him to see my emotions that began to stir up on the inside. "Exactly. You have no idea where your girlfriend is, but I do." 

I sighed and rolled my eyes as I shook my head. He knew how to press my buttons and I hated it. Gareth smirked as he saw me demeanor change.

"A little birdy told me she was over at Family Video talking to Harrington." His smirk widened as he watched me straighten my stance. I uncrossed my arms and gripped the kitchen counter with as much strength as I had to keep myself from doing anything stupid. "Yeah, I bet she's getting a nice deal on those rentals after giving him a-"

"Watch your fucking mouth, Gareth." I warned him. I was beyond pissed at this point. I wanted to lunge myself at him to make him shut the hell up. Maybe I could knock some sense back into him to remember how to talk to me. "You come over to my house and ask for my services then you disrespect me? Fuck you, man. How about you grab your shit and get the hell out before I knock your fucking teeth in." 


"I said get the fuck out." I hissed as I pointed towards the door. Gareth stared at me in shock, as if I did lay my hands on him. He seemed hurt from my words, but I wasn't in the mood to care. He was standing there talking shit to me the whole time, hurting me in the process, so why should it matter how I make him feel?

"You've changed, man." Gareth shook his head before grabbing his bag and heading towards the door. "You're going to regret this." I ignored him and waited for him to leave. He gave me one last look before opening up the door and before he could walk out, he stopped and looked at the person in front of him. 


Gareth ignored her and walked out. I made my way to the door to greet (Y/N) as she stood there with a confused look. 

"Hey, sweetheart." I reached my hand out to help her in then pulled her into my chest. Her arms snaked their way around my body and I leaned down to kiss her head. "I missed you."

"You saw me earlier at school." (Y/N) giggled into my chest. She moved her head and looked up at me with her gorgeous eyes. I loved the way she looked at me. Her eyes would sparkle and seemed to smile as they traced every feature on my face. The pure love that swirled in her irises made my heart skip a beat. 

Falling for The Freak (Eddie Munson)Where stories live. Discover now