Bittersweet Company

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(Y/N)'s POV

Eddie had been taking care of me all day. He didn't mind the silence that filled the air as he did everything in his power to make me feel better. He had spent the night last night after taking me home and I woke up to breakfast brought up to me in bed. Not only did Eddie make me breakfast, but he also did so for Juliet. He picked her up last night on the way to my house and tried to keep her company.

Juliet was more talkative than me, but she didn't talk as much as she usually did. She would say a couple words to show Eddie she was interested in what he was ranting on about, but that was about it. I felt bad that my little sister was talking to my boyfriend than I was, but we had different ways of coping. I had to get through this on my own, but of course, with Eddie's help. 

"(Y/N)?" Eddie knocked on my bedroom door before walking in. I was drying my hair from my shower as he looked over at me. I turned my body more towards him as I used my towel to get the ends of my hair. "Would you want to watch a movie tonight? It's fine if you aren't feeling up to it. I was just wanting to do something that could maybe make you feel better?" Eddie rambled on nervously. It was adorable how he still got nervous around me, but it was also depressing to think that he might feel like he had to walk on egg shells around my fragile self since I could possible break at any moment.

 "I'll-" Eddie sighed before he continued. "I'll watch The Breakfast Club if you want to watch that movie." I couldn't help but smile at this. Eddie told me before how much he didn't ever want to watch The Breakfast Club since he thought it would be stupid, but he knew how much I loved that movie. He was willing to bore himself to death just to cheer me up. 

I nodded in agreement before he walked up to me and kissed my forehead. My heart sighed at the sweet gesture, making me wrap my arms around his body. Eddie wasn't hesitant at all, immediately locking his arms around me. I wanted to cry from how safe he made me feel in his arms, wanting to be hugging Brandon to make him feel the same, but sadly I couldn't hug him anymore. 

A sob ripped its way out of my chest as I thought about Brandon. Eddie wrapped me up even tighter and whispered sweet nothings into my ear to calm me from my evil thoughts. After about five minutes of finishing my silent cries, I pulled from his chest and looked up at him. Eddie gave me hurt eyes and a forced smile, trying to act strong for me and never noticing that little things were giving his true feelings away. 

Eddie grabbed my face between his hands and wiped away the tears with his thumbs before bending down and planting a kiss on my right cheek before moving over slowly to my left. He then hovered over my lips, not knowing if it was too soon or not. It was me that made the kiss happen by reaching up and planting my lips on his. I wanted to show him that it was alright to still show me affection. 

The kiss wasn't heated or passionate, but rather a sweet sadness. It was a silent apology from the both of us. We pulled apart at the same time, starting into each other's eyes before Eddie reached down and grabbed my hand, guiding me downstairs and into the kitchen. He turned around after reaching the counters and grabbed my hips, lifting me up onto the surface. Eddie then started going around my kitchen, finding a cup and trying to make me tea. 

I watched as he tried figuring it all out, but failing. I went to hop down to help, but Juliet came in and helped him with the process. I loved watching the two of them together. Eddie was listening attentively as Juliet showed him all of the steps on how to make tea. She told him what to do and he simply listened, asking her if he was doing alright. Juliet began to smile and nod her head at him. 

Once they were finished, Juliet went to put the movie on while Eddie carefully walked a hot cup of tea over to me. I watched him blow out the steam that came off of it, cooling it down as best as he could so I wouldn't burn my lips. 

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