A Hawkins Party (Pt.2)

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Eddie's POV

I hated parties. None of these people were my friends and I never liked being around any of them in the first place, but I had to show up for (Y/N). I was actually excited to see her.

When I first arrived to the party, I wanted to turn back around and run. What was I doing? I was going to a party just for a girl? No, I shouldn't think like that. I'm going to this party for the girl. The girl that somehow makes me feel excited to get up in the morning, to go to school, to come to a party. I haven't had a girl have an affect on me like this since my crush on Chrissy all those years ago, but I never did anything to pursue with her since she chose Jason - the biggest douchebag around. 

(Y/N) has so much of an affect on me that I took time out of my day to look nice for her. Of course, I'm still wearing my usual black ripped jeans with my leather jacket, but I made sure to take a shower before coming, isn't that enough? 

"Eddie? What are you doing here?" Dustin's voice pulled me out of my thoughts as I walked over to the group. 

"I thought you didn't like parties." Mike stated. 

"I don't." I stated back. 

"Then why are you here?" Dustin asked me. I gave him a look to tell him to back off, in return, Dustin threw his hands up in defense and stepped back. 

"I just thought I would see what the talk was all about." I couldn't keep my eyes from looking around, trying to find her. I was going to give up my search, until I saw her walk by. I stood up straighter as I looked her over. She looked breathtaking in her dress. (Y/N) really cleaned up nice - ah that's not a nice compliment for someone that beautiful. 

"Oh, now I know why you're here." Mike smirked at me, grabbing my attention. 

"And why's that?" I gave Mike a look as I added in as much sarcasm as I could.

"You have a thing for Juliet's sister!" Mike almost yelled out as he realized the truth.

"What?! Eddie has a crush?" Dustin hollered. I grabbed both of them and covered my hands over their mouths. 

"Now, listen here, boys. If you say a single word to anyone, and I mean anyone, about this then I will murder you." I said to them in their ears as they stood their silently. "Do you understand?" They both nodded frantically as I let them go. "Ew, Dustin did you just lick my hand?"

"Well, you weren't letting go." Dustin defended.

"I was just about to let you go." I yelled at him as I wiped my hand on my jeans. Gross. "Like I said, don't tell anyone. Especially Juliet. Alright?" Dustin and Mike agreed as Juliet walks over at that time with Max. "Where's Lucas?"

"He's with his team." Dustin and Mike roll their eyes as they nod their heads towards the basketball team standing all together. 

"He'll be back." I said as I walk off, trying to find (Y/N). Before I reach her, I go to the kitchen and grab a cup to put water in. I had a feeling I was going to have to be sober tonight. 

A heard a loud cheer come from the next room over, so I decided to check there. It looked like there was a game happening in the middle of everything, so I stretched my neck to look and ended up seeing (Y/N). I smiled, but it soon fell as I noticed Harrington's arm wrapped around her. He was whispering something into her ear as she nodded and smiled. I closed my eyes for a second to push back whatever bad thoughts I had about (Y/N) with Steve. They were just friends. 

I watched as Steve began to set up their drinks. (Y/N) looked nervous as she looked at the people around her. She was shy and it was adorable. I found it strange how opposite she was from me, but how attracted I was to her. But, hey, you know what they say: opposites attract. And I was very attracted to (Y/N). 

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