Nightmares From The Past

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"She's just not special enough." 

"Give her some time, maybe they'll come to her." 

"No. I've tried enough with her and nothing is working. I'm done here." 

"Dr. Brenner-" I heard a door slam shut, cutting my mother off. 

"(Y/F/N), what are we going to do?" My mother sounded like she was on the verge of crying. I pictured my father reaching over to hug her as she wept in his chest. 

"Nothing. We're going to do nothing." He responded.


"(Y/M/N), we need to listen to him. Martin knows best and we know-" My father stopped before continuing in a hushed tone. "We know she isn't special. She has no powers. She's useless."


"What? It's the truth. You went through this experiment to contribute to Brenner's science and it failed. It's not your fault, sweetie. We'll try again." My father tried to calm my mother further. 

"What if it doesn't work next time?" 

"It will. This baby doesn't share his blood. He has mine, so maybe that will change things." I heard my mother sniffle before they walked out of the room and back to where I was waiting. They didn't seem to notice that I heard what they had said about me. 

"Let's go, (Y/N)." My mother reached down and grabbed my hand in hers. She dragged me alongside her as she rubbed her swollen belly with her other hand. 


"Yes, dear?" My mother kept her eyes forward as she answered me. 

"Am I not special?" It was radio silence after that question. I looked up at my mother as she wiped a tear from her eye and sniffled once more. I frowned at this and looked ahead in the brightly lit halls. Even at my young age, I knew her answer.


"(Y/N), what did you do?" My mother sounded angry as she ran over to Brandon who cried from scrapping his knee. 

"I didn't do anything, Mommy." 

"You're supposed to watch him, not let him get hurt." Brandon's cries continued as she tried to soothe him. 

"I just wanted to play with him." My eyes began to water as my mother blamed me for something that was completely out of my control. I had been chasing Brandon around our backyard and he tripped over his feet, skidding his knee on the concrete. 

"That's irresponsible of you, (Y/N). I'm very disappointed." My childish mind couldn't wrap around the fact that my mother was upset with me for trying to play with my brother. How was that irresponsible?

"What happened?" My father's voice numbed me. Ever since I turned six, my father started punishing me for everything. He would be proud of Brandon and smile down at his precious Juliet, but his eyes shared hatred towards me. "Did you do this, (Y/N)?"

"No, no, I was just trying to play. It was an accident." I pleaded. My father marched over to me and grabbed my wrist. 

"It wasn't her fault!" Brandon called out, but my father ignored him. "Daddy-"

My father slammed the sliding glass door shut, almost shattering it, as he dragged my small frame to the closet. 

"No, Daddy, I'm sorry. Please don't make me go in there." I turned down my heels, begging my father to stop as I tried slapping his hand away from my wrist. His grip on me tightened as he looked down at me, stopping at the door. 

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