Kicking Names and Taking Ass

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Eddie's POV

"Are you sure?" I asked her one last time. She looked nervous, but nodded her head. "You can't turn back once you start."

"Eddie, I'll be fine." (Y/N) tried to convince the both of us. I raised an eyebrow at her before giving in and instructing her on the process. 

"Oh, I want in!" Robin looked over at us in excitement. I rolled my eyes as I lit the butt of the joint that sat in between (Y/N)'s lips. I was surprised on how nervous I was since I'm literally a drug dealer, but I didn't know how she was going to react after smoking for the first time. 

(Y/N) inhaled the smoke and immediately started coughing. I smirked as I leaned back to get a better view of her face in the glowing disco lights. (Y/N) insisted on throwing a small party with us for some odd reason. I think she just wanted to keep her mind off of everything brought up today. 

"Try again, sweetheart." I encouraged her. She nodded and took another deep breath in before pulling the blunt away from her lips. (Y/N) made a face before coughing it all up again. "You're too cute." I took the blunt between my fingers, bringing it up to my own mouth and taking a few drags before passing it over to Robin. "You okay, though?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." (Y/N) smiled at me before kissing my cheek. She then grabbed my hand and brought me over to the living room with everyone else. I was surprised she was willing to get high around Juliet and the other kids, but I guess she didn't care as much as I thought she would. 

"We should go to a real club." Luke chimed in. "There's one in the city, not too far from here. Plus, I'm pretty sure Eddie can drive us."

"No!" Robin and (Y/N) screamed out. 

"Okay, that hurt." 

"Fine, what about you, Harrington?" We all turned to look over at Steve who was about to sip from his cup, but set it down before he could. 

"I don't think we should leave the kids." Steve tried to get out of it. I wasn't much for the club idea, so I agreed with him. 

"Oh, come on. Let's go have fun!" (Y/N) threw her head back onto my chest as she closed her eyes, showing me that she was starting to feel the affects. 

"We're not kids anymore, Steve. Just go. We'll be fine." Max cut in. 

"Yeah, Steve." Robin mocked as she passed the blunt over to Luke. 

"Fine." Robin and (Y/N) high fived and grabbed to get one more shot in. 

"Way to break, Harrington." I punched his shoulder before throwing on my leather jacket. 

The whole drive consisted of Robin turning up Steve's radio all the way and (Y/N) screaming the lyrics as she leaned over me, throwing her head out of the window and into the cold air. 

"Please be careful, darling." I begged as she stuck most of her body out of the car. 

"Fine, then be my seat belt." (Y/N) scooted over and sat on my lap. In the process, she wrapped my arms around her waist, acting as if they were a make shift seat belt. I rolled my eyes but smiled at the fact she was sitting on me.

Robin and Steve argued over the music in the front seat, dragging Luke in somehow, as (Y/N) leaned her body into my chest and looked down at me. 

"I like being this close to you." She bit her lip as she looked down at mine. 

"Fuck, don't look at me like that." I shifted in my seat, making (Y/N) smirk. 

"Like what?" She played innocent, looking into my eyes and pouting her bottom lip. I felt my eyes darken as she slightly grinded into me. My hands shifted to her hips, gripping them to make her stop. 

Falling for The Freak (Eddie Munson)Where stories live. Discover now