The Tired After Party

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Eddie's POV

"Oh my gosh, that was so much fun!" (Y/N) hollered out. I laughed at this and told her to be quiet as I searched for a spare key on the ground. I knew there had to be one somewhere.

"What are you looking for, silly?" I hear her giggly voice talk in a hushed tone. This made me smile more at her adorable, drunken state.

"Where do you keep your spare key?" I asked her. I stood up and rested my hands on my hips as I took a deep breath. (Y/N) was light, but it's a lot carrying a human being while running away from people who wanted to fight you.

"Hold on." I watched (Y/N) go up to the front door and stand on her tippy toes, reaching over the door to find the key. My eyes wandered down in amusement, but they stopped in their tracks as I as the skirt of (Y/N)'s dress hitch up. Nothing was showing, but it was the temptation of just one more inch and I would be seeing another side of her. A side that I was wanting more and more.

"Here we go!" (Y/N) came back down flat to the ground and started unlocking the door. She struggled with the lock, getting frustrated. I took that as my cue to help. I stood behind her and grabbed her hand, guiding her to twist the knob. I heard her suck in a breath as she felt me behind her. I was almost completely touching her, but I kept a small gap in fear I would start something I know I shouldn't.

The door opened a crack, but (Y/N) stood there for a moment. It was as if she didn't want to move from where we were. I opened my mouth to say something, but kept the words from spilling out, knowing damn well I felt the same as her.

"I guess just follow me then." (Y/N) said, not turning to look at me. I nodded, as if she saw me, and walked in behind her. She rested the key on the small table beside the door as I shut the door behind us, locking it back up.

(Y/N) made her way up the stairs and I followed her as I was told to do earlier. The silence between us felt deafening, but I didn't mind as much. I was too busy trying to process that I was in (Y/N)'s house. I never thought I would get this far, at least not this early, but it wasn't like she was introducing me to her parents.

We reach the top of the stairs and (Y/N) opens a door that I guessed to be her room. She walked in, turning the light on, and fell onto her bed. (Y/N) giggled once more, but this time she sounded more tired.

"I think it's time for bed." I announced. (Y/N) groaned and shook her head slowly with her eyes closed. I smirked at her resisting the urge to fall asleep on the spot.

I walked closer to her, stopping right as I reached her, then I bent down to grab her foot. I rested it in my hand as I slipped the heel off. (Y/N) opened her eyes and looked up at me, watching my every move as I nicely rested her leg back onto the bed before grabbing her next foot, slipping that shoe off.

"I need to take a shower." (Y/N) sprung up and started to wobble on her feet.

"I don't think that's the best idea." I told her, worried that she would hurt herself in there.

"It's a fantastic idea." She told me. (Y/N) then started to grab the hem of her dress to take it off.

"Woah, what are you doing?" I asked her as I grabbed her hands lightly.

"I'm getting ready for my shower." Her words sounded very matter of fact, as if I was stupid to not know what she was doing. "If you have a problem with it then look away."

I was shocked by the new attitude brought on by the alcohol, but I had to remind myself it was only because she was tired and drunk. I have to admit, though, that the attitude was a bit of a turn on.

I turned away from her before she pulled her dress off. I listened to her footsteps go over to the door that led to a bathroom, I'm assuming. I was proven correct as I heard the water start.

The boy in me wanted to turn around, to sneak a small look at her naked body, but the man in me wanted to be respectful and keep my eyes forward. So, what I did next was a move made for boyish men.

"I'm going to go get you some water, alright?" I called out to (Y/N), hoping she heard me over the water. When she gave me a noise of acknowledgment, I started walking out, but not before I looked over. I had gotten a small glimpse of her as she stepped into the tub.

I gulped at what I had seen before rushing downstairs to figure out how to get her a glass of water.

When I returned, (Y/N) had on a long t-shirt and her hair was slicked back from brushing it while wet. She looked back at me as I put the water onto the bedside table.

"Thank you." Her whisper was barely audible as she walked around the bed, climbing underneath the covers.

"Of course." My eyes were locked on her smooth thighs before they disappeared under the comforter. I cursed the thick blanket for blocking my perfect view.

"Alright, well I guess I'll head out." I scratched the back of my head as I started stepping out of the room.

"Eddie, please don't leave." (Y/N)'s sweet voice was already convincing me to stay, but I knew that wouldn't be such a great idea. Except, maybe it would be a worse idea to leave her alone while drunk. Good one, Eddie.

"Alright, well I'll go find my spot on the couch downstairs." I told her. (Y/N) sat up and looked at me sternly before lifting up the comforter. She wanted me to join her on her mattress. My heart beat was in my ears at this point.

"I don't think you want me on your bed, sweetheart. I'm sweaty and gross." I told her.

"Then go take a shower. I can grab you a pair of Brandon's sleeping pants." (Y/N) somehow jumped back out of bed, though seeming extremely exhausted, and left to find the pants. What did I get myself into? The perfect situation with the girl I really like, but too nervous for it to admit that it's real.

"Here. Now go take a shower. There's a towel in the closet in there." I nodded at her commands and left to shower. Thankfully, (Y/N) didn't have one of those  complicated showers that people loved these days, so I was able to figure everything out on my own.

The warm water felt great, but I made sure to take a short shower so that I could get back to (Y/N) her bed...with her.

I slipped the pants on, surprised they fit, and went to put my shirt back on, but it smelt horrid, so I did without. I walked out to her room and went to turn the light off, but was interrupted by a tiny voice.

"I didn't know you had tattoos." (Y/N) groaned sleepily.

"Well, maybe I'll tell you about them someday, but right now you need to sleep." I told her. She made a noice at me and kept her eyes shut as I turned the light off before climbing into bed with her.

I kept that small gap from earlier in between us. I didn't want to do anything that would freak her out.

"Why are you so far away?" (Y/N) asked. How is this girl still awake?

"I'm just trying to give you room." I lied. She wouldn't know the difference.

"I don't want room." Again, I was surprised by her confidence as she scooted closer to me. I felt her leg wrap around my waist and her head rested on my chest. My heart was going a mile a minute, making me take a deep breath to calm down.

I decided to just go for it and rested my hand on her thigh. It was as smooth as I thought it would be. As I rubbed my thumb on it, I looked down to kiss her forehead. (Y/N) audibly sighed at this, making me smile. I wish she could be mine already. It's too soon and I don't want her to run away, but she really has me falling for her.

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