A Winter Wonderland (Pt.3)

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(Y/N)'s POV

"It smells amazing in here." We all arrived back to my house and I was guessing that we were going to order in some pizza or something quick, but in my kitchen were Karen Wheeler and someone I've never met before. I was extremely confused, but couldn't help the smile spread across my face as they looked over at me. 

"Hey, pretty girl." Karen walked over and gave me a big hug before pulling me back by my shoulders. "I hope you don't mind. Nancy and Jonathon wanted us to come over to help cook up dinner for-"

"Mom." Nancy warned. 

"What? I was just going to say su-" Karen laughed in return.

"Stop!" Nancy cried again, making Karen laugh even harder.

"Let me introduce you to my mom." Jonathon pulled me over to stand in front of the other woman. 

"Hello, I'm Joyce." She shook my hand. "Sorry to intrude like this. I was a little weirded out when Jonathon asked me to help Karen cook in a stranger's house, but they all talk so highly of you, so I thought I would help." Joyce smiled at me. 

"Aw, how sweet." I nudged Jonathon's arm as he became flustered. "It's really nice to meet you, by the way. I've heard a lot about you." I smiled. 

"Hopefully they were good." Joyce joked. 

"They were terrible." I joked back, making us both laugh. I love how comfortable I feel around her already. Usually I become super shy around people I don't know, but there was something about Joyce that drew me in. 

"Alright, we're going to go change then come back downstairs." Nancy grabbed my arm and flew me up the stairs without letting me get a single word out. She slammed the door behind us as I glanced around to find all of the girls in my room. 

"Why is everyone in my room?" I laughed in confusion. 

"We're all helping each other get dressed, duh." Max said. 

"Yeah, it will be fun." El spoke up as she giggled and nudged Max. 

"We've never done this before, so what's new?" I laughed even more. I was beyond confused at this point. 

"Will you just accept us already?" Chrissy whined. I went to say something, but Chrissy cut me off by dragging me into my bathroom. "Take a quick shower. And I mean quick. We have shit to do." She then shut the door behind her as she walked out. I stood there staring at the door, not having a single clue on what to do. 

"I don't hear that water running!" Chrissy yelled again. "Do I need to come in there and help you?"

"No!" I yelled back before turning on the water. I undressed myself and stepped into the hot water, sighing at the nice feeling. 

"Oh, I almost forgot." Chrissy walked in. "Shave your legs." 

"What? Why?" I asked, but Chrissy walked back out. I groaned and started the process of shaving my legs. It wasn't long before someone else walked in. "I'm almost done, Chrissy. Just stand outside." 

"It's not Chrissy." Nancy spoke. "I really have to pee."

"Can't you pee in a different bathroom?!" I practically screamed as I laughed. 

"No." And then she started to pee. I groaned and finished the last of my legs, smiling down at their smoothness since it's been a while. Thankfully, Eddie never minded so I didn't have to shave all the time, plus it was winter time - I'm always wearing pants, so that added on to the reasons against shaving. My thoughts were interrupted by Nancy flushing, making me scream from the freezing water that hit me. "Sorry!"

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