Tears and Rain

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I looked up at him from the opposite side of the library table, peeking over my book, as he looked down at his textbook - his eyebrows furrowed in anger and confusion. 

"Everything alright?" I asked as I lowered The Outsiders. Eddie looked over to me, his head resting in his hand, showing how stressed out he was. 

"No." Eddie simply stated. I frowned and set my book on the table, giving him time to continue. "Absolutely nothing makes sense. Where did these letters come from and why are they in math? Isn't this subject only for numbers? Something has to be wrong with this class if I still don't understand any of it after taking it for three years. It's a bunch of bullshit." 

Eddie's rant about math made me smile from how something so little could frustrate someone who acted tough all the time. He rocked out on his guitar almost daily, he wears a leather jacket, he drives like an absolute maniac, but somehow numbers really get to him. His troubled past is no match against the simple symbols that he struggles to read on the pages. 

"What?" Eddie looks at me in confusion.

"Nothing. You're just adorable, that's all." I said it like it was nothing - I was only stating a fact. I shrugged my shoulders to act cool as Eddie smiled over at me. "So, what do you need help on?"

"Everything." I smiled even wider, trying to contain my laughter to keep the library quiet. I then stood up and walked over to Eddie's side of the table. Sitting down, I scooted in, hitting my knee against his.

"Oh, sorry about that." I apologized. 

"Darling, you don't have to apologize for that, now sit closer." Eddie gripped the side of my chair and pulled me to his direct side. I blushed at this and nudged his shoulder in a playful way. He then leaned down and kissed my temple. "Seriously, how do you always smell so good?"

"Eddie, focus." I giggled, flustered with embarrassment from the compliment. 

"Alright, alright." Eddie agreed as I began my math lesson. He seemed to be listening intently to my words, until I felt his hand rest itself onto my thigh. I turned my head towards him, looking into his brown eyes. 

"What are you doing?" I asked him. I didn't mind his hand on me, of course not why would I mind, but I needed him to focus so that he could pass the class. 

"I'm listening. Carry on." I shook my head and ignored it as I continued my lesson. Suddenly, his hand moved higher up my leg. I tried to ignore it, but the movements of his hand distracted me. I gasped as I felt his hand move into my inner thigh, gripping it, then rubbing his fingers lightly against my center. 

"Eddie, stop that." I hissed under my breath. I didn't want to catch the attention of others who sat around, studying alongside us. Thankfully, we were at the table in the back corner with no one right next to us, but I was still paranoid that someone could possibly see his hand under the table. 

"What?" Eddie tried to act innocent. I grabbed his hand and placed it onto his own leg. 

"I told you that sitting next to you would be a bad idea." I reminded him of my previous words from earlier today, knowing this would happen. I went to stand up and move back, but Eddie grabbed my arm and pulled me back down. 

"Fine, I'm done. I'm sorry, I'll listen." Eddie slightly begged. I gave him a look, raising my eyebrow as if to ask if he was sure. "I'm done." He repeated. 

His arm rested around the back of my chair as he asked me questions about the things he didn't understand. This time, Eddie really did focus and did some math work on his own after I told him what to do. Soon, he wanted to try on his own, so I grabbed my book and got back to reading. 

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