Jealousy, Jealousy (Pt.1)

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"I'm down to go." Robin volunteered. I was visiting both Robin and Steve at the video store where they worked after school when Steve brought up the grand idea of roller skating. 

"I'm not too sure about that." I said nervously. Robin leaned over the counter, giving me a look while Steve gave me the same exact look behind her. "What?"

"Come on, it'll be fun." Steve encouraged. "Plus, I know you'll be bored at home."

"How do you know that?" I acted offended. "I can keep myself busy with homework."

"Homework?!" Steve yelled. Now he was the one offended. His hands were now on his hips, looking at me in a disappointed way. "(Y/N), it's a Friday night! You're not staying home to do homework. You're going to come out with Robin and I and we will have a lot of fun." 

"But-" I went to explain how I don't know how to roller skate, but was cut off by Steve. 

"But nothing. I'll pick you up at eight." Steve then walked away, leaving no room to argue back. I looked over at Robin and she just smirked at me. I stuck out my tongue before leaving to my car. 


I decided on going with a simple kind of look: a light pink leotard with white shorts. I threw some light make up on after I parted my hair, putting the upper half in a pink scrunchy to keep out of my face. The rest of my hair flowed down to the middle of my back in waves. 

It was quiet inside of the house since Juliet was at the Hellfire Club campaign while Brandon was, well he was probably at some party. He had practice after school and hasn't come back yet. I tried to think of what Eddie told me before about not worrying too much about Brandon since he was in his teenage, rebellious years, but it was really hard to do. 

"Knock, knock." I screamed at the sudden voice behind me. I turned around to see Robin looking shocked, yet entertained. 

"Robin! What in the hell?" I placed my hand over my heart, feeling it race. Robin laughed as she walked into my room. 

"You're door was unlocked, so I just walked in." Robin shrugged like it was no big deal. "Cute room." Her eyes wondered around the walls full of movie and music posters. I had just hung them up since I never finished with my room.

"Thanks." I replied, still trying to catch my breath. Robin told me that Steve was waiting downstairs for us so I followed her down and greeted him. 

"Wow, look at you." Steve pointed out. 

"Does it look bad? I can go change." I pointed my thumb to the stairs behind him as I blushed in embarrassment. 

"No, I like it." Steve smiled at me. I smiled back and we walked to the car, jamming out to all kinds of rock music. I almost lost it when The Chain by Fleetwood Mac came on. That song always made me want to dance and scream the lyrics out. Well, every Fleetwood Mac song made me feel that way. 

"Oh, look at that, we found her sweet spot." Steve said as he looked at me in the rearview mirror. I rolled my eyes and smiled as Robin looked back at me. 

"Great choice in music." Robin started rambling on about music, occasionally pressing Steve's buttons to make him argue with her. It was nice seeing their relationship. They were a lot like siblings where they loved each other deep down, but never wanted to admit it, teasing all the time to make themselves laugh at the other's anger. 

As they continued on, I thought back to the old days when Brandon and Juliet would argue like that, especially back when we lived in West Virginia. They were close in age, so they argued the most while I had be the one to break them apart. Sometimes I would just let them hash it out until they started getting aggressive with one another. You would never imagine it coming from Juliet, but she was a tough one.

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