Why Didn't You Run?

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"Something doesn't feel right." We all turned to look at Will as he looked around with his hand touching the back of his neck. 

"What's wrong?" I asked him. 

"Don't you think it's weird that we walked in here with no problem? Where are those bats you talked about? Why hasn't anything stopped us?" Will seemed extremely stressed as he turned to look towards us. 

"Maybe their busy with something else or they're just stupid." Mike said. 

"He's not stupid." Will shook his head. "I can feel him. He's up to something." 

"Well, whatever it is, we'll stop him." Jonathon placed his hand on his brother's shoulder to calm him down. "I won't let anything happen to you." Will nodded before his eyes began their search again. That was when Jonathon brought his head up and gave Nancy a look, making me even more nervous than before. 

"We're here." Juliet announced as we stood in front of the broken looking house that Nancy described to us. We all glanced at it as I took a step out of the line of trees, which ended up being a huge mistake. I looked down underneath my foot at the thing I just stepped on and cursed under my breath as I looked over at Juliet. 

"Shit." Mike cursed as the vine reached out and grabbed my ankle. I grabbed the bat that I brought, looking identical to Steve's, and swung it at the vine as quietly as I could to not disturb the man bats that flew around the roof of the house. 

Suddenly, another vine came out of nowhere and ripped the weapon out of my hand. I reached out my arm and made a grunting noise as I tore the vine in half with my mind, making it let me go. I sighed in relief and stood up, wiping off my jeans as I went to make my way towards the group. 

"(Y/N)!" I looked up and made eye contact with a scared looking Juliet as Nancy smacked her hand over her mouth. I looked behind me at the same moment one of those bats attached themselves to me, causing me to scream. 

Eddie's POV

"(Y/N)!" My head snapped over to the sound of her name echoing through the trees followed by a scream. 

"That's it." I threw down the hammer and started to make my way over to the other group, but Steve stopped me. 

"You have to stay here." Steve told me in a stern voice. 

"I don't have to do shit except protect (Y/N)." I pushed him off of me and made my way towards the screams. 

"Eddie, listen." Lucas tried to get in front of me as well, but I walked around him. As soon as I was about to start running, Dustin's voice stopped me. 

"Eddie, if you run, there's a chance she might die." I stood still as I stared into the tree line, thinking about Dustin's words. "You have the most important role in all of this. You're the only one who can truly save her." 

"What if she's already dead?" I felt the tears start to cloud my vision as I thought about (Y/N) not listening to my advice. She's stubborn as hell, so I know if something bad happens she won't run - that's why she couldn't promise me. 

"She's not. You can't think like that, Eddie. She's strong." Lucas told me as he stood on my side, waiting for me to break out of my trance. 

"I know she is, but what if-"

"'What if' nothing. Get your ass back to work, Munson. We have lives to save." I turned towards Steve, since it seemed like something he would say, but it was Max. I looked at her in shock as she gave me the meanest look ever, scaring the crap out of me. 

"She's so scary." Lucas whispered beside me. 

Juliet's POV

"What do we do?" I panicked as we stared at the house that swallowed (Y/N) whole. As soon as the bats came swooping down, the vines grabbed her again and pulled her inside. 

Falling for The Freak (Eddie Munson)Where stories live. Discover now