chapter 27

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Brandon p.o.v.
Today Janay leaves the hospital and her family still won't let me see her but she's been secretly texting and calling me when they're not around. I know its going to take some time for her to get away from them but I'm getting impatient. She told me she's staying with her parents until she moves back into her own place. I'm playing along like its okay but in reality its pissing me off beyond my control. Right now I'm calling a repair man this whole thing has been so stressfull on me I've put ten holes through my walls. Once i have my queen back everything will be fine.
Gloria p.o.v. (brandon mom)
This is all my fault if i hadn't said anything to her she wouldn't be in the hospital now i wish i wouldn't have pried in there business. I earned myself a brutal beating from my husband I'm healing fine but i still am i little sore. The men in this family need that control so they take it by beating women i can't leave him its been 43 years we've been married now I'm used to it. I hope that child is okay she needs to get out of this lifestyle before its to late for her i would hate to see her end up like me.
Kieran p.o.v.
Yes my bestie get out the hospital today I'm so damn happy she doing better. I'm going to do everything in my power to keep that fuck nigga away from her he aint no good. I'm on my way to go see her now i pray she in a good mood today lately she been real snappy and rude i love her but I'm only let her have that dern pitty party for so much longer. Man i can't wait til she feel better so i can tell her the great news. Ugh this traffic ain't working for me at all I'm bout to hit these back roads.

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