chapter 4

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Janay p.o.v.
Reaching the campus i feel weird the student parking lot is super empty. I hop out lock my truck and head to professor Johnson's classroom when i get their i can hear him talking on the phone so i just wait until he's finished to enter. He slams his phone down after yelling to someone "I've been taking my pills I'm fine don't make me angry you know what happens get the fuck off my line". I jump back from the door scared to enter and i guess he hears me because his head snaps in that direction. Great I'm such a spazz against my better judgement i enter the classroom. He just stares at me and its making me uncomfortable so i break the silence and speak first " Hello professor what did you want to discuss about my assignment?" He still doesn't speak just stares so i clear my throat and he seems to break away from his trance but what he says pisses me off " uh Janay I'm not up to speaking at the moment we will have to reschedule see yourself out". I turn on my heels to walk out but I'm so furious i don't control myself and yell at him "Are you kidding me i had to wake up extra early and come up here for you to tell me you not uo to speaking you are so unprofessional and plain out rude no we will not reschedule you can leave the notes of what you want to say on my paper I'm not up for games and that's what your doing". I storm out after that not caring that he is calling my name i am pissed one thing i hate is wasted time and that's exactly what he just did. Plus i hate having to wake up early today is going to be a long day i can feel it. I'm so angry i barely hear my phone ringing i answer to a annoying sounding Kieran "Janay where are youuuuuu i woke up in an empty house i know you ain't leave me heffa you triffling" I'm really not in the mood so i just start snapping "Bitch don't call me on no other shit i had to handle something hoe ill be back to get you just be ready or your ass can ride the city bus to school". I hang up and drive to McDonald's i just need some alone time right now my aunt ruby is visiting and this is not the week to piss me off. I get to McDonald's park and go in to order my food i order 2 sausage biscuits hash brown and orange juice. They call my order and i go get my food sit down and eat i almost had to slap that hoe that act like it was killing her to get me some damn jelly. Man ill be glad when I'm off the red cause i anger easly and i already have anger problems lord help me and get this devil off my back this morning.

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