chapter 22

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Janay p.o.v.
After my well needed soaking i could walk i was barely walking but its improvement. When i got back into the room there was a note on the bed telling me to come down to the kitchen i went in search of the kitchen just as i was told. Finally getting there i smell something great Brandon is already at the table waiting for me. I sit down and I'm brought pancakes with strawberries and strawberry sauce with whip cream on top and sausage with boiled eggs i look at the food in awe. Brandon tells me its okay to dig in so i grab the syrup and tackle my massive plate of food Brandonisn't eating and i wonder why but I'm to inlove with these pancakes to ask why. After i finish I'm stuffed we go back up to the room and im told to get dressed i ask for what but get told its a surprise i say okay and put on the outfit laying on the bed for me. Finishing up i meet my prince at the bottom of the stairs and he looks stunning we get in his range rover and head off to where ever he's taking me. I ask again and he tells me were going to meet his parents i feel panicked but he reassures me everything will be fine. We pull up to this beautiful mansion and i see this pretty woman outside with a firm faced man who looks a lot like Brandon just a tad bit older. We get out and the woman runs over and hugs me i feel weird at first but hug her back not wanting to be rude. She speaks saying I'm very beautiful and a whole bunch of other stuff until her son and husband tells her to back off and let me breath. We go into the house and i get the grand tour from Mrs. Gloria she's really nice we meet back up with the men and all head out to the patio. While out there Gloria asks Brandon has he been taking his medicine he tenses up but replies "Mother this is not the time for this conversation". She doesn't want to let it go but does anyway i try to make things better by commenting on their pool that eases the tension a little so Gloria and i go inside for pie. While in their i ask what medicine is Brandon supposed to take she tells me its not her place to say but i beg ro know shee tells me what he is diagnosed with and why he takes those pills. She asks me has he ever done anything to hurt me i think of when he beat me that time but decide not to tell since that's behind us. I just tell her no and she says shes glad cause she doesn't want a replay of last year i ask what happened and she looks fearful to tell me. All she says is for me to be careful what i say or do so i don't trigger him. While in the middle of her saying that the men walk in and Brandon asks "Be careful not to trigger what mother what are you two talking about". I see him getting angry so i just tell him we were talking girl talk that's all he glares at us and says were leaving i ask why but he just grabs my arm and starts dragging me through the house i yell at him to stop he's hurting my wrist. I yank away and he grips my arm really tight telling me to stop testing him his mom yells for him not to hurt me and he screams at her to mind her own business his father has his mom telling her to stay out of our business and stop prying. He throws me in the truck and gets in himself i ask what's his problem and he tells me to shut up I'm scared so i just hush until we get to his house. Once we reach the house I'm out of that truck before it comes to a complete stop he yells my name but i keep walking i run up the stairs and grab my things to go home. When I'm about to walk out the door Brandon stops me saying i can't leave him i tell him to let me go he doesn't. I push past him only to be yanked back by my hair i scream out in pain as I'm being dragged up the stairs. Brandon gets me back to the room and throws me on the bed i sit up but he chokes me back down "I told you never to walk away from me didn't i i told you to behave or you will be punished". At this point I'm about to pass out he lets me go and i gain my composure i cry and cry scared to move he slaps me and i get up to make a run for it but he catches me i scream for help but all the servants just look at me and run the other way. I beg for him to let me go but he just holds me telling me he's sorry and he won't do it again he just felt like i was trying to leave his life and he can't have that. I don't want to leave him i love him and know he will get better it just takes time i turn his way and kiss him he tells me he loves me and he's sorry. We go back into the bedroom and he tells me he wants to show me how sorry he is he strips me down and pleases my body til I'm shaking. After that we go into the bathroom and make passionate love for hours. After we finish that we go back into the bedroom and fall fast asleep in eachothers arms before were fully asleep Brandon tells me how sorry he is again and that he loves me. I tell him its okay and i forgive him which i really do i know we will get better over time he just needs a little help along the way.

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