chapter 14

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Brandon p.o.v.
Now is my time to make a move let me make this right please god don't let her reject me. As she's about to come back in the living room I go in the kitchen and stand right behind her she turns and tries to move but i stop her. I tilt her neck to the side and gently kiss it she lets out a soft moan but doesn't push me away so i keep going. She drops the drinks and pushes me away i look into her eyes as she looks back into mine she breaks and drops to thr floor cleaning up the mess. I try and help but she shoves my hands away i tell her I'm sorry and get up to leave she stops me by throwing a cup at my head and man did it hurt. I turn around and she has her hands on her hips making a pouty face its turning me on so i try to look away. She speaks with her angelic voice of hers "What the hell you can't come in my home kiss all on me and then leave what do you take me as you asshole". I'm shocked by the way she's speaking to me i can't reply and i see that angers her"Well speak say something!" I get my brain and mouth to finally register whats going on and i respond "Look Janay i have feelings for you i can't control them me being your professor shouldn't stop us i know you have feelings for me to so lets give us a try". She looks shocked and taking back but she responds with"How can we even be together that type of relationship is forbidden and you know it I'm not going to be your closet freak or late night secret". I sit her down and explain how we can be together she finally agrees and we sit and watch t.v. for a whlile when its gets late i leave to go home as i get to the door i kiss her passionately she immediately kisses me back and we say out goodbye's. I won't lose her this wont be nothing like my last relationship i know she will obey my rules and wishes.

Janay p.o.v.
As soon as Brandon leaves i run to call Kieran to tell him what just happened. He answers on the second ring and i squeal really loud he curses and asks me what's going on i tell him to come to my house asap he says he on his way. He finally gets here and he rushes in looking for a burgler or something. I laugh and tell him calm down we sit on the couch and i tell him today's events. When i finish talking he just sits their looking at me and i snap in his a face which makes him comes back to reality. He jumps up screaming "Ahhhh you lucky bitch i knew yall was gone fuck". I jump up and say "Hey we are not fucking were just dating and nothing more I'm not ready for that". He laughs and says "Oh yeah boo i forgot you still pure". I just shake my head and smile we talk some more and he leaves. I go take a shower and head to bed its been a very interesting day.

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