Chapter 32

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Saphira was very grateful that Simmons suggested stopping at a gas station. She honestly had not felt like eating, she hasn't eaten for many hours. Bee had been worried about that since seeing her refusing to eat wasn't good for her health. He understood it was the grief that was gripping her regarding Optimus, but when Simmons offered to get her food even though he knew she had no money, it was good. She realized she was hungry after stopping at a gas station and grabbing a burrito, several packs of chips, water and soda, it felt good to fill her stomach with something. Even though she almost didn't want to eat the entire burrito.

She stared out the window as the autobots drive towards Washington, they were at least fifteen minutes away from the city at the moment and she was thinking all sorts of things. She worried that the Seeker would not help them when they come to him to ask for it. She also was annoyed at Simmons, he had been ranting on and on how he was doing this to save this world and his country, and that he might get his position back with the government. It was so annoying that Bee forced the man to go with Barricade, which apparently shut him up. Barricade had less patience, so it made sense.

Bee could sense Saphira's worry, she turned her head when she heard the radio begin to play Get Ready for This, she was surprised by the song. "We will be okay, we will win." She smiled at him and hummed along to the tune of the song. "You don't need to worry."

"It is reasonable to worry, Bumblebee, we don't even know if this Seeker will help us." Saphira turned her head to look out of the window again. "Hopefully that little scrap bot wasn't lying."

"I'll be more than happy to squash him," Bumblebee said, making her roll her eyes as she knew that he would do it. "I can hear the muttering, he's not happy at all."

"Well, if he decides to change sides too, I doubt it will be a problem. He doesn't seem dangerous anyway, his bark is worse than his bite." Saphira did wonder what the bot's name was, but that was the least of her concern. She rubbed her head with a grimace. "These clips are starting to hurt my head."

"You must remain concealed," Bee said to her. "Better than being handed over and dying in vain."

She knew that. She had every reason to be uncomfortable though. She figured she would remove the wig once they were somewhere with no cameras. Or at least, when it came to night of course. Saphira didn't want to wear it all the time. She looked ahead as they arrived at the city, she wondered how far they were from the museum. She glanced to her left as Barricade drove ahead of Bee.

"I guess Simmons is leading Barricade to the museum, right?" Saphira asked curiously.


Saphira figured that was the case. She didn't know where it was, but she assumed Simmons had something with him like a map or GPS to lead Barricade to the museum. She did ponder about the museum though. The fact it had areas about space, it made her sad she might not be able to continue her astronomy course at Princeton. Maybe she could convince them to give her another chance, especially with her credentials with working with the government.

She sighed softly as she thought about it. "You know, even if we beat this Fallen and Megatron this time...I can't help but wonder what my life will be now. After my freak out in my first day of class...I don't know if Princeton will let me back...or any college really. I know it wasn't my fault...but I still feel like I blew it."

"Your life isn't over, it is still growing and learning," Bumblebee responded, he was a little troubled by Saphira's words. "You don't need college to be successful. There are so many stories about humans succeeding without it. Plus, you get your inheritance."

"Yeah...that is true..." Saphira still was unsure. She had plans to work with a successful company, even if she still had connections with the autobots. Still, it seemed like it wasn't going to happen. "Just feels like a waste of time I had when I went to Princeton."

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