PTSD part 2

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PTSD (2)

"She writes in a Diary when this happens?" I heard him ask and I started shivering uncontrollably. I just couldn't move from that spot.

'Shantel knew? She's known about my disorder all this while?...was he correct when he said they cared more about me than I knew?'  I kept shivering and the noise of my teeth clattering started making me cry from one eye. There was another gunshot and I closed my eyes while the tears poured out. Gosh! Elvis must be losing his mind right now—he's supposed to be flying out of the country, but he's standing locked down in his home with the fear of robbers raiding it and while he's supposed to be planning ways of staying safe, he's having to handle his employee with a strange panic disorder.


"I think she's trying to say something," I heard him say. I still had my eyes closed so I didn't know what he was doing. I just wanted to tell him how sorry I was for compounding his problems. "You think she's trying to apologize?—why?—she does this regularly—I understand but—I understand—Listen, Shaniqua, I understand that you're going through a lot mentally and that you've been going through it for a while now," I was still shivering but I felt a jolt of lightning when he took hold of my right hand, "You don't have to apologize. You don't have to feel bad for whatever you're going through right now...I totally understand and I promise you that we'll get through this together,"

'What the hell now? Where did that High school musical line erupt from?'  I wondered as I pushed my eyes open—wait, what the hell? I was pushing my eyes open? It usually took longer than this to get to the stage where'

"Is she coming around?" I heard Shantel ask from the speaker phone. She sounded a way I've never heard her sound in my entire life: concerned.

"Yes, she is...let me call you back?"

"Sure. Please—just...I love my sister so much and I know you're her boss and all but please sir, keep her safe." Was I imagining it or was my sister actually...crying? She even called him, "sir".

"There's no need to cry, Shantel, she's safe with me," he assured her and finally landed his eyes on mine, "I promise,"  he added and I believed him.

I stopped shivering.

To be continued...

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