Log Forty-nine: JEALOUSY

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5:54 pm

Dear, Diary

I met him just before i started to push his elevator button and he threw a small polythene bag at me which I almost dropped by the way. I accessed the bag and saw the name of a phone store at Ikeja, Computer village is boldly written on it in fading powdered blue letters.

"That's your phone," he said, still walking into his office and I couldn't hide my gasp. It was hard to be angry at him now.


"You lost your phone didn't you?" He asked and I could almost feel the broken iPhone 7 tug at me from my back pocket, to tell the truth.

"Ye...yes I did. Thank you very much, sir." I said, my heart leaping for joy as I saw the iPhone 12 Pro Max. "Thank very much sir!" I repeated.

"A small percentage from your salary will be deducted every month for the device in which you hold," he said with his back still turned at me and I paused.


"I'm just joking." He finally turned with a small smile on his face. "Enjoy your date and sorry for today once again," he added and Bebi the strangest feeling began to prick my heart. I began to feel bad about leaving him all alone in the office.

"Are you going to be here for a while sir?"

"Yeah, but you can go any way. I won't be alone." And the emotions that I was feeling immediately found their way to the pit of hell where they belonged or was it just jealousy taking over at the thought of him with another prostitute?

Why am I even wasting my time talking about this when a handsome man is waiting for me in a nice Corolla.

Bye for now!

Your girl's got a date...and a new phone!

What a year this is turning out to be.

Signing out for the next 5 hours,

Your girl Shaniqua

Thank you!
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Diary of the Crazy Shaniqua Bello Where stories live. Discover now