PTSD part 1

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PTSD (1)

I froze.

Elvis ran.

The only thing I heard from that period on was the noise of him locking all the doors in the house.

He ran back into the room panting and I saw him start to dial on his phone before pausing to look at me, "Shaniqua? You''re shivering," he dropped his phone and ran over to me with concern emanating from his body.

'I'm shivering?' I thought to myself and that was when I realized that it was happening again. My PTSD.

My teeth were clattering. I was stuck in one spot and it felt like I couldn't move even if I wanted to.

"Shaniqua? Shaniqua? You're scaring me..." She started to shake me but I only ended up shaking more and before I knew it, I started opening my mouth to say something. "What? What are you trying to say?" he asked with a combination of fear and concern written all over his face.

"," I struggled to say.

"You need your daddy?"

'No, idiot! I'm saying Diary here... Who's talking about needed her daddy—what do you think I'm suffering from, daddy issues?' I thought in my head while my eyes scanned the entire room like I had partial dementia.

I kept shivering. Trying to explain to him that the Diary in my bag was the only solution to my post-traumatic stress disorder would probably have sounded stupid as hell to him anyway.

Elvis ran back to his phone for just a second and came back to hold me like I was going to drop any minute if he didn't support me.

He started to dial a number on his phone

'Who is he calling?' I wondered with my eyes moving left and right like I was crazy.

"Yussef! I want you and Aremo to remain locked in the security room because—Oh, you heard already?—is the gate perfectly secure?—good, good..." he said some other things that I couldn't be bothered about, I just wanted to feel my pen writing in my Diary— that's just all I needed.

He ended the call with the man (I assumed was his gate man) and started to dial another number.

"Hi, Shantel,"

If my eyes were moving by the second before while I stood there frozen, they started moving 4 times per second now and I couldn't even imagine how crazy Elvis must think I look right now—acting all creepy and broken—and why the HELL was he calling Shantel?!

", I'm worried about her, she's acting all—are you serious? This is how she reacts to the event?—I had no idea—what do I do? I feel like she's going to have a hemorrhage or whatever people have when they act like this..."

'Hemorrhage? Seriously? What movie has this one been watching? Grey's Anatomy?'

"..., Diary?"

I heard him ask and if it was humanly possible that someone can freeze like being frozen, it was proven in that moment.

To be continued...

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