Log Fifteen: FANCY

31 27 0



New Year's Day

6:30 pm

Dear Diary

Fancy running into Ileri (whatever that means anyway—I've just always wanted to use that word LOL, maybe it's because I actually look fancy).

Not only did Ileri give me the same dress at a better price, but she also threw in a couple of other things for old times; I'm talking shoes and accessories.

One word for how I look right now?


If this was a movie, FANCY by Amarrae would be playing while a cliché scene of me stepping out of the mall in slow motion would be in view right now.

Even the quiet and ever-smiling chauffeur almost lost his eyes from its socket by the way he gawked shamelessly at me.

"Wow! Sister, you're beautiful" he said before pulling the door open for me.

"Thank you", I responded before stepping into the vehicle.

Bye for now
The FANCY Shaniqua

Thank you!
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