Log Forty: MUFFIN

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2:40 pm

Dear, Diary

"Don't mind Annabella—do you recognize her?"

"I don't know her Daddy!" I wanted to tell back at him in anger but I shook my head and fastened my seatbelt, grateful for warmth.

"Oh! She's one of the best child actresses and influencers—I came to sign a deal with her father for a brand that needs her." I took it that the deal went well judging by the flapping of his lips.


"I've heard that she can be mean, but she's very talented. You can look her up."

"I'll pass," I confessed and watched as he smiled at the road.

"Get used to her because she'll be spending some time with us," he added and followed his words up with another fit of laughter. "Should I put the AC on?"

"NO!" I screamed out of reflex and watched as he shot his head back in laughter—I'd never seen him in such a light mood or maybe he just enjoyed watching me in pain.

"There's this nice coffee shop around the corner, I'll get you a cup of coffee and a muffin while we wait for a client."

As if I knew, the he-goat didn't care one bit about my well-being, it was just another little expense he had to incur for the progress of his business.

But wait a minute gan self, why should he care? Is it not my job that I'm doing? Me self I dey fall my own hand sometimes.

He's coming with the muffin and coffee, G2g


The warm Shaniqua

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Diary of the Crazy Shaniqua Bello Where stories live. Discover now