Log Twenty-Seven: LUCKY GIRL

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6:21 am

Dear Diary

I'm writing from the backseat of my neighbor's car and although I'm sandwiched with their 3 kids, I'm more than happy regardless.

I was already listening to Pharrel William's 'Happy' on my work phone while hurrying to the Brt station with my sister's newly recharged bus card (which was taken without her permission aka stolen) when I heard my neighbor yell my name.

"This thing you people are putting into your ears will put you in trouble one day—We've been telling your name for a while now." I watched him collide chapped lips on white tongue and brown teeth together as he spoke with some kind of pain I couldn't understand—was it his life or ear I was playing with?

"I'm sorry sir," I said, ignoring the laughter on the faces of his wife and kids as I took the earphones off.

"Where were you bouncing to?"


"Glory! You've finally found work!" I heard his wife scream from the passenger seat and I couldn't help but wonder if she had a life calendar for me in her kitchen which she marked annually.

"Yes, I've finally found work," I responded with a distaste only women could recognize and I watched as she coiled and collapsed back into her seat.

"Where are you working now?"

I told him and he nodded with a huge and genuine smile on his face—but that teeth though!

I'm getting him charcoal toothpaste for his birthday.

"It's on the island right?" The woman who couldn't just mind her business tried to poke her head out her husband's window once again.

"Yes, ma." I threw her a plastic grin.

"Hop in, we'll drop you off at Lekki—that's where my husband works." I would have been a hundred percent thankful if the tone of her voice didn't imply that I was meant to be amazed at the fact that her husband works at Lekki like...I don't get it, should I fry stone?

"Maybe I can be dropping you off at Lekki everyday—It'll save you a lot of money." The man said as I got into the car.

"Yes—You should be dropping her off every day at Lekki, it'll save her a lot of money." His wife repeated and it was at that moment that I knew she had some sort of mental disorder and therefore wasn't going to ruin my happiness.

"That'll be mighty nice of your sir." I heard myself say and I immediately began to blame Bridgerton on Netflix.

"Did you hear her," Coo Coo lady turned back to her fat sandwiched kids, "that's how to use proper English, Mighty? I like that word."

I hope she doesn't work on the island because I can't begin my day like this but Bebi, today is really turning out to be a very good day!

I woke up early and I'm also getting a free ride to work! What else could a girl ask for?!

This chubby girl next to me just asked me if I have a game on my phone.

Maybe I'll just make use of the BRT tomorrow.

Bye for now, she asked loudly and I have to monitor her playing candy crush on my work phone because how can I refuse a girl whose dad just promised me a free everyday ride?

The lucky Shaniqua

Thank you!
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