Log Sixty-six: FANTASY

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10:50 pm

Dear, Diary

I heard a knock on my door and sat up before asking whoever it was to come in.

Mind you, I knew, "whoever it was". Shantel never knocks and mum announces herself seconds before reaching my door, so I knew who exactly it was.

"Can we talk?"

"I'm so sorry about--,"

"--, not about that, Shaniqua—in fact, let's not ever talk about that—ever." He sniffed hard and I knew he was clearly mortified.

"Okay, sir—what will you like to talk about?"

"Will you not offer me a seat?"

Seat? What did he need a seat for? Wasn't the plan to have a small discussion about tomorrow? Why did he have to seat?

I scanned the room and the only place decent enough for him to sit on was my bed, so I made space for him and he gave me a questioning look before coming forward.

"You're nervous," he started and I turned to look at him like he was out of his mind for suggesting the truth.

"Why would I be?"

"It's evident on your face—and in the texture of your voice—I mean, you're practically shivering."

I was shivering.

"It's kind of cold."

"Of course. Anyway, I'm shooting the final scene early tomorrow morning and by noon I should be out of the country for a month..." he faltered to search my face for some kind of emotion or something, but I just sat and watched, plus I was a little frozen too.

"Oh..." I sat up and tried to pull my T-shirt below my knees but the fabric was adamant.

"Don't worry, you'll still run things here on my behalf—I'm not dropping the world on your shoulders." He chuckled and I joined him for a second and then, there was an awkward silence between us.

"Are you okay?" He asked with a soft tone from nowhere and I nodded my head.

"I'm good."

"Great then—I guess we can call it a night. We'll be leaving here as early as 7 so, get prepared."

"Yes sir." I nodded and we began to walk out of the room but I paused at the door while he stepped out, half leg and half leg out.

"Cool..." he faltered and I was about to tell him goodnight when he halted the door from getting shut with his leg.

"Can I kiss you?" I heard him whisper and before I could look up, he was—

. . .

"Shaniqua?...Shaniqua?" Elvis snapped his fingers at me still seated on my bed. "You zoned out for a minute," he smiled and I felt my entire body grow hot in anger and mortification.

"I'm sorry—was planning already," I lied and chuckled afterward and he rose to his feet.

"Goodnight then?"

"Goodnight," I responded and I shut the door and crumbled to the floor with my back against the door right after.

What the hell is happening to me?!


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